pass a method as a parameter

  • Thread starter Thread starter yoramo
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can I pass a static method as a parameter to a method?

if the answer is yes how do I do that ? how do I call the method ?


can I pass a static method as a parameter to a method?

if the answer is yes how do I do that ? how do I call the method ?


Is this what you mean?

private static string name = "Hello World!";

private static string method1()
return name;

private void method2(string text)

private void method3()
No. I need a way to call a method that will be pass as a parameter to
another method.


can I pass a static method as a parameter to a method?

if the answer is yes how do I do that ? how do I call the method ?


Is this what you mean?

private static string name = "Hello World!";

private static string method1()
return name;

private void method2(string text)

private void method3()
You need to use Delegates for this. A Delegate is strongly typed method pointer.

You define a delegate like so:

public delegate void DoSomethingDelegate(int i);

(This is a kind of global delegate. You could define a delegate within a class as well).
Delegates are objects (even thou the decleration above might not indicate as such) and so need to be created before you can use them. They typically take a parameter in their constructor, a method that has the same signature as the delegate.

So lets say you have a method called Calcuate in a class that has the same signature as the delegate above and you wanted to pass this method to another object (or method) you would do this

private void Calculate(int num)
//Some code here

TheMethodThatRequiresAMethodAsAParamter(new DoSomethingDelegate(Calculate));

public void TheMethodThatRequiresAMethodAsAParamter(DoSomethingDelegate m)


Now the parameter m is your reference to the meothd Calculate so you can call calculate simply like so:


FYI, you can pass static and even private methods as parameters to a delegate's contructor. You can even have a return type in a delegate instead of void (I won't go into multicast delegates here to keep things simply).

Hope this helps.