I have tried searching on this board for an applicable answer but was unable
to find one that would suit my needs.
I'm trying to create a database that has quantities of parts that belong to
components. Each part has a name and a part number. Each of these parts may
be made up of other parts, which may consist of other parts, which may
consist of other parts, i.e., you could have a screw as a part alone, or a
screw as part of a plate which is part of a breaker which is part of a
computer. (Please excuse the analogy, but I hope the point is made.)
Here's how I started:
tblComponents, with fields
Component (links to Components table, but that's another story)
(1)Part (PK)
tblPartInfo, with fields
(2) Part (PK)
tbl PartLink, with fields
(3)Part (PK)
ConsistsOf (PK)
In the relationships window, I created a copy of tblPartInfo. I have a 1toM
relationship between (1)Part and (2)Part, (2)Part and (3)Part, and ConsistsOf
and (3)Part.
Something isn't right here, I know, but I don't know how to fix it. And when
I go to set up forms, am I going to be completely screwed?
I have tried searching on this board for an applicable answer but was unable
to find one that would suit my needs.
I'm trying to create a database that has quantities of parts that belong to
components. Each part has a name and a part number. Each of these parts may
be made up of other parts, which may consist of other parts, which may
consist of other parts, i.e., you could have a screw as a part alone, or a
screw as part of a plate which is part of a breaker which is part of a
computer. (Please excuse the analogy, but I hope the point is made.)
Here's how I started:
tblComponents, with fields
Component (links to Components table, but that's another story)
(1)Part (PK)
tblPartInfo, with fields
(2) Part (PK)
tbl PartLink, with fields
(3)Part (PK)
ConsistsOf (PK)
In the relationships window, I created a copy of tblPartInfo. I have a 1toM
relationship between (1)Part and (2)Part, (2)Part and (3)Part, and ConsistsOf
and (3)Part.
Something isn't right here, I know, but I don't know how to fix it. And when
I go to set up forms, am I going to be completely screwed?