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I would like to make my Windows XP partition larger. I have Windows XP on 6
gig, 2002 Ad. Serv. on 3 gig, 7 gig for programming, 10 gig for Fedora Core
4, I have an 8 gig and 6 gig free. This is formated in FAT32 because I want
Fedora and Windows to see all partitions.

How can I expand the Windows XP partition without losing all programs, web
design sites etc.

Thanks, by the way partition magic does not work I get an error 117.

Dee said:
I would like to make my Windows XP partition larger. I have
XP on 6 gig, 2002 Ad. Serv. on 3 gig, 7 gig for programming, 10
for Fedora Core 4, I have an 8 gig and 6 gig free. This is
in FAT32 because I want Fedora and Windows to see all

How can I expand the Windows XP partition without losing all
programs, web design sites etc.

Unfortunately, no version of Windows provides any way of changing
the existing partition structure of the drive nondestructively.
The only way to do what you want is with third-party software.
Partition Magic is the best-known such program, but there are
freeware/shareware alternatives. One such program is BootIt Next
Generation. It's shareware, but comes with a free 30-day trial,
so you should be able to do what you want within that 30 days. I
haven't used it myself, but it comes highly recommended by
several other MVPs here.

Whatever software you use, make sure you have a good backup
before beginning. Although there's no reason to expect a problem,
things *can* go wrong.

Thanks, by the way partition magic does not work I get an error

I'm not a Partition Magic expert, and can't tell you anything
about that particular error. But I can assure you that it *does*
work. Are you perhaps using an older version, not supported by
Windows XP?
I tried bootit Next generation it will only work if the free partition is
next to the Windowx XP partition.

I am usiing partition magic 7.0.

Please It need help to install my .NET and it takes alot of space and should
be in the SP partition.

if the free space is at the end of the drive, the only way around it is to
move the other partitions down the line to the end
make sure you have backup before doing it

as far as the 117 error in partition magic, that means it can't identify a
partition's drive letter

i would suggest first to run partinfo to check for any partition table

if that is ok, i would suspect it *possibly* could be an issue with the
fedora partition-not that there's anything wrong with it, but possibly
partition magic 7 may not support the file system. try using partition
magic version 8.
Dee said:
I tried bootit Next generation it will only work if the free partition is
next to the Windowx XP partition.

I am usiing partition magic 7.0.

Please It need help to install my .NET and it takes alot of space and should
be in the SP partition.



First PM7.0 doesn't supoprt XP. Get PM8.0 (all you really need is the CD)
Second, go to Symantec's web site and check out error 117. They have a
number of suggestions most of which involve running PM8 from the CD.
