James D
Up until Windows XP (and even after) I have always partitioned my hard disk
with FDISK. With the new technology of XP I understand you can now partition
you hard disk within Windows. I would like to hear opinions (or maybe even
concrete facts) as to which way is better. Before alot of you say "Man, XP
all the way!" tell me what happens if you have a hard disk failure and you
cannot reach ANY partitions, or can you? I know that if your C drive had
problems, you could always access the D or subsequent drive in FDISK.
with FDISK. With the new technology of XP I understand you can now partition
you hard disk within Windows. I would like to hear opinions (or maybe even
concrete facts) as to which way is better. Before alot of you say "Man, XP
all the way!" tell me what happens if you have a hard disk failure and you
cannot reach ANY partitions, or can you? I know that if your C drive had
problems, you could always access the D or subsequent drive in FDISK.