partitioning using XP Home

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keltecfusion said:
How do you partition a hard drive using XP Home? Never have tried it.

With Windows XP installed and running your partitioning options are
limited to:

1. Creating new partitions on a newly installed additional hard
2. Creating new partitions using any remaining unpartitioned space on
your primary boot drive.
3. Deleting existing partitions, other than the boot partition, from
the existing hard drives.

To perform these tasks use Start - Run - DISKMGMT.MSC

If you wish to do things other than the above you will need a third
party partitioning utility such as Partition Magic (Symantec) or
BootItNG ( These programs (there are others as
well) will allow you to resize existing partitions without destroying
the content, align the existing partition boundaries properly for
optimal conversion from FAT32 to NTFS, and so forth.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP
How do you partition a hard drive using XP Home? Never have
tried it.

Assuming that what you want to do is take a drive filled with a
single partition and divide it into two or more partitions, you
can *not* do this at all with Windows XP Home, nor with any
version of Windows.

No version of Windows or DOS has ever had the ability to change
the partition structure of a drive without losing all the data on
it. To do so requires the use of a third-party program. Partition
Magic is the best-known such program, but there are
shareware/freeware alternatives. One shareware product that gets
good reports from several MVPs (although I haven't used it
personally) is Bootit Next Generation.
In keltecfusion <> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
How do you partition a hard drive using XP Home? Never have tried it.

As you've been told, from within the OS you'll need a third party tool. From
outside (and with removing all the content on the drive of course) you would
want this page perhaps:

How to partition and format a hard disk in Windows XP


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without them."

Sherlock Holmes