I always forget about Ranish! Yes, it is widely respected as well. I do
use PartitionMagic so I don't often remember the others. Good call, Chad.
"Chad Harris" <Bushisamoron.net> wrote in message
Another freebie I would unheasitantly suggest is Ranish; also it gets
uniformly good reviews on the web:
I was glad to learn about Partition Logic from Mark V., and John Barnes
makes a compelling point about the cost of new hard drive space with rebates
these days. We've given you two reasonably good free partition managers to
use; hope that helps you out. If you have enough room to install Vista as a
dual boot, remember Vista has the ability to shrink or expand partitions
and what I'm getting at here is that if you can get rid of enough on the
partition you intend to put Vista on, and get it installed somewhere, then
you can take advantage of the nice feature now in Disk Management many of us
have wanted for a good while.
*Take Back Your Space*
I'm not preaching to you--I'm speaking from a lot of memories. If it will
help you to get space, check out C:\ and C:\Windows for mini-dumps which can
take up to a GB, be sure you trim space hogs. Eliminate anything in recycle
bin; take a look at mp3s and the CDs you ripped. I find often I can save a
lot of space by ditching the cuts of CDs that take a lot of space I'll never
listen to selectively.
System restore defaults to 12% in Windows XP and you simply don't need most
of it. Hit the Windows key + Pause Break or put sysdm.cpl in run and take a
look at that system restore slider and move it toward 2-3%. If you have
been saving any installs to a downloads folder, you may also buy space by
getting rid of the setup files for a number of apps that aren't necessary to
uninstall. This depends of course on the app.
Good luck,