Hi- I have various personal info. on individual cds. For ex.; med. records
on one, educational data on another, & so forth. If I want to place all
categorized records on one dvd I can do that. The problem-when burning
additional data to that dvd can I do it in such a way that, say, a blood
panel can be placed with my medical records or is it just going to follow the
previous burn to the dvd? Am I clear? Can I separate new burns & direct
them to specific areas on the dvd?
on one, educational data on another, & so forth. If I want to place all
categorized records on one dvd I can do that. The problem-when burning
additional data to that dvd can I do it in such a way that, say, a blood
panel can be placed with my medical records or is it just going to follow the
previous burn to the dvd? Am I clear? Can I separate new burns & direct
them to specific areas on the dvd?