What is a good partition tool -- preferably free, though I could go to
PM if that really is the best.
I've got an 80GB disk and planned to divide it into several partitions
-- a couple of bootable ones, for Win2k, maybe Win98, and one or two
Linuxes, and a few for apps and storage.
I tried Ranish, but I screwed up, and though it seemed all were
created, I later had problems and found that I had 9 primary
partitions, which I now know is not a good idea. So I need something
that will hold my hand or at least warn me if I try something stupid
like that.
I'm comfortable with DOS or Linux tools if they're better, pretty GUI
isn't necessary, just maximum compatibility and safety.
PM if that really is the best.
I've got an 80GB disk and planned to divide it into several partitions
-- a couple of bootable ones, for Win2k, maybe Win98, and one or two
Linuxes, and a few for apps and storage.
I tried Ranish, but I screwed up, and though it seemed all were
created, I later had problems and found that I had 9 primary
partitions, which I now know is not a good idea. So I need something
that will hold my hand or at least warn me if I try something stupid
like that.
I'm comfortable with DOS or Linux tools if they're better, pretty GUI
isn't necessary, just maximum compatibility and safety.