access violation at address 0052dc00 in module PMagicNT.exe Read of
address 00000008
--did anyone find a definitive sure for this error? Does PM8 have
the same issues?? "access violation at address 0052dc00 in module
PMagicNT.exe Read of address 00000008" I'm sitting here stalled
reading a bunch of old strings describing what 'might' fix it.. Does
anyone know a fix?!?!??
1. Suggest you talk to the PM folk or visit the forums, even though I
suspect your problem may be corrupted operating system files. PM BTW is
now part of Symantec; it's not PowerQuest anymore.
2. YOu supplied pathetically little information other than some
generalities of an error message; not even the version of PM, amongst
several other things. I suggest you take a look at:
How to Post a newsgroup question effectively:
and try to follow the advice.
3. Reading "a bunch of old strings" is totally meaningless to me. See
#2 above.
4. I saw this multiply posted to at least one other newsgroup; do not
do that. It causes issues for everyone. Refer to and try to follow
this for cross-posting and stop multi-posting:
How to Post to more than one group:
5. Once you've digested everything above, come on back and try again,
giving full relevant details of your problem, system and situation.
Personally, I have never had that happen with Partition Magic but,
like you, I'll leave the reader to gess at what version of it I'm
talking about.