Things look okay in "My Computer".
But, when I start Partition Magic Here is what I get:
Drive 1
C, E, F, G.....
Drive 2
Drive 2 is an Iomega extrenal HDD that I've assigned as Z drive and it is Z:
in "My Computer".
BTW I have nothing in config.sys. (I did have, but dissapeared the other
day, but that is probably nothing to do with the problem. I have no
Lastdrive=Z whatever that does).
But, when I start Partition Magic Here is what I get:
Drive 1
C, E, F, G.....
Drive 2
Drive 2 is an Iomega extrenal HDD that I've assigned as Z drive and it is Z:
in "My Computer".
BTW I have nothing in config.sys. (I did have, but dissapeared the other
day, but that is probably nothing to do with the problem. I have no
Lastdrive=Z whatever that does).