Jonas Carlsson
I've googled around and not found much, the best info i got was from
this newsgroup. Among others I've read Svend Olaf Mikkelsen's posts and
they were really great and informative. Though I've tried to learn as
much as possible about the subject, I do not feel secure enough to
simply start try to recover the partition. First i'll ask for some
advice here.
The scenario is as follows:
Harddrive: (80 gb Maxtor 6L0800L4)
initial partitioning:
6gb primary, winxp ntfs
4gb extended, for ext3 and swap
~65gb primary, FAT32 for storage
I wanted to remove the extended partition housing ext3/swap and use it
for storage. Since partition magic 7.0 just said "unknown partition
type" when trying to delete it, i did it from a linux boot disc with
cfdisk. now it looked like:
| 6gb ntfs | 4gb unallocated | 65gb fat32 |
I used PM7 to move the fat32 to the beginning of the space, though,
somewhere in the process the computer rebooted and was not able to find
anything to boot from. Obviously the bootloader or somehing was messed up.
I installed lilo onto the MBR so now i can boot into windows xp, but not
access the large fat32 partition.
The disk is mountable from KNOPPIX (mounted read-only), and i can access
most of the data, but some directories are totally screwed up; filled
with files with long filenames of unreadable characters.
fdisk and cfdisk tells me that the partition type is PqRT and using all
of the space on the disk behind the NTFS partition (what was Unallocated
+ FAT32 partition).
On the powerquest site one is told to simple change the partition type
using PM parted, but postings in this group seems to imply otherwise.
I really hope this is recoverable
Here is the output from findpart:
OS: Windows 5.1 All
Disk: 1 Cylinders: 10340 Heads: 240 Sectors: 63 MB: 76338
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 07 63 12579777 6142 0 1 1 831 239 63 B OK
-555 - 0C 20971440135369360 66098 832 0 1 9784 239 63 B OK
------FAT CHS -Size Cl --Root -Good -Rep. Maybe --Bad YY-MM-DD DataMB
638 0 2 Second FAT not found.
656 0 33 Second FAT not found.
832 0 33 16548 32 951 16548 0 0 0 02-05-23 57868
Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1 07 63 12579777 6142 0 1 1 831 239 63 OK OK
0 3 3C 12579840143760960 70195 832 0 1 10339*239 63 OK
Disk: 2 Cylinders: 256 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 2008
-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 83 63 584576 285 0 1 1 36 99 62 B5 OK
No FATs found.
Partitions according to partition tables on second harddisk:
-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1 83 63 584577 285 0 1 1 144 63 63 NB NB
0 1 1 36 99 63 Actual
I've googled around and not found much, the best info i got was from
this newsgroup. Among others I've read Svend Olaf Mikkelsen's posts and
they were really great and informative. Though I've tried to learn as
much as possible about the subject, I do not feel secure enough to
simply start try to recover the partition. First i'll ask for some
advice here.
The scenario is as follows:
Harddrive: (80 gb Maxtor 6L0800L4)
initial partitioning:
6gb primary, winxp ntfs
4gb extended, for ext3 and swap
~65gb primary, FAT32 for storage
I wanted to remove the extended partition housing ext3/swap and use it
for storage. Since partition magic 7.0 just said "unknown partition
type" when trying to delete it, i did it from a linux boot disc with
cfdisk. now it looked like:
| 6gb ntfs | 4gb unallocated | 65gb fat32 |
I used PM7 to move the fat32 to the beginning of the space, though,
somewhere in the process the computer rebooted and was not able to find
anything to boot from. Obviously the bootloader or somehing was messed up.
I installed lilo onto the MBR so now i can boot into windows xp, but not
access the large fat32 partition.
The disk is mountable from KNOPPIX (mounted read-only), and i can access
most of the data, but some directories are totally screwed up; filled
with files with long filenames of unreadable characters.
fdisk and cfdisk tells me that the partition type is PqRT and using all
of the space on the disk behind the NTFS partition (what was Unallocated
+ FAT32 partition).
On the powerquest site one is told to simple change the partition type
using PM parted, but postings in this group seems to imply otherwise.
I really hope this is recoverable
Here is the output from findpart:
findpart.exe all fp.txt
OS: Windows 5.1 All
Disk: 1 Cylinders: 10340 Heads: 240 Sectors: 63 MB: 76338
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 07 63 12579777 6142 0 1 1 831 239 63 B OK
-555 - 0C 20971440135369360 66098 832 0 1 9784 239 63 B OK
------FAT CHS -Size Cl --Root -Good -Rep. Maybe --Bad YY-MM-DD DataMB
638 0 2 Second FAT not found.
656 0 33 Second FAT not found.
832 0 33 16548 32 951 16548 0 0 0 02-05-23 57868
Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1 07 63 12579777 6142 0 1 1 831 239 63 OK OK
0 3 3C 12579840143760960 70195 832 0 1 10339*239 63 OK
Disk: 2 Cylinders: 256 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 2008
-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 83 63 584576 285 0 1 1 36 99 62 B5 OK
No FATs found.
Partitions according to partition tables on second harddisk:
-PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB -Start CHS- --End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1 83 63 584577 285 0 1 1 144 63 63 NB NB
0 1 1 36 99 63 Actual