Partition magic crash (help)

Feb 23, 2006
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During a partition size increase using partition magic v8, PM crashed and left the drive as one large 150Gb partition without any data, originally, there was a 90Gb C:, and a 60Gb D:, all data had been moved from D: to C: prior to the resize, and no backup was created. The filesystem is ntfs, and using Barts PE boot cd, I can see the C: is 150Gb and no data in this volume, is there any chance of being able to reconstruct the original partitions and get the data back. I have created the fp.txt file from Svend's findpart utility and hope somebody has a fix.

many thanks in advance.

Findpart, version 4.67 - for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 1999-2005.

OS: Windows 5.1.2600

Disk: 1 Cylinders: 19457 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 152625

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 07 63312576642152625 0 1 1 19456 254 63 B OK
0 - 07 63184329747 90004 0 1 1 11473 254 63 BU OK
0 - 07184329810128246895 62620 11474 0 1 19456 254 63 B OK

No FATs found.

Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1*07 63312576642152625 0 1 1 19456*254 63 OK OK
Thnx for all the help, doing scandisk actually fixed the problem, all data is now visible and not lost, just thought I'd share this in case anybody else has a problem needing to be fixed fast.