During a partition size increase using partition magic v8, PM crashed and left the drive as one large 150Gb partition without any data, originally, there was a 90Gb C:, and a 60Gb D:, all data had been moved from D: to C: prior to the resize, and no backup was created. The filesystem is ntfs, and using Barts PE boot cd, I can see the C: is 150Gb and no data in this volume, is there any chance of being able to reconstruct the original partitions and get the data back. I have created the fp.txt file from Svend's findpart utility and hope somebody has a fix.
many thanks in advance.
Findpart, version 4.67 - for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 1999-2005.
OS: Windows 5.1.2600
Disk: 1 Cylinders: 19457 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 152625
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 07 63312576642152625 0 1 1 19456 254 63 B OK
0 - 07 63184329747 90004 0 1 1 11473 254 63 BU OK
0 - 07184329810128246895 62620 11474 0 1 19456 254 63 B OK
No FATs found.
Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1*07 63312576642152625 0 1 1 19456*254 63 OK OK
During a partition size increase using partition magic v8, PM crashed and left the drive as one large 150Gb partition without any data, originally, there was a 90Gb C:, and a 60Gb D:, all data had been moved from D: to C: prior to the resize, and no backup was created. The filesystem is ntfs, and using Barts PE boot cd, I can see the C: is 150Gb and no data in this volume, is there any chance of being able to reconstruct the original partitions and get the data back. I have created the fp.txt file from Svend's findpart utility and hope somebody has a fix.
many thanks in advance.
Findpart, version 4.67 - for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 1999-2005.
OS: Windows 5.1.2600
Disk: 1 Cylinders: 19457 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 152625
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 07 63312576642152625 0 1 1 19456 254 63 B OK
0 - 07 63184329747 90004 0 1 1 11473 254 63 BU OK
0 - 07184329810128246895 62620 11474 0 1 19456 254 63 B OK
No FATs found.
Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:
--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1*07 63312576642152625 0 1 1 19456*254 63 OK OK