Have you seen the reviews for Norton Antivirus, and Internet Security
2009? They are getting very glowing reviews in both Newegg and Cnet.
Apparently Symantec got it right this time, light on resources, small
memory footprint, and fast. Newegg reviewers give them 100%
excellent, and the valid Cnet reviews give them 4 or 5 out of 5.
The only low reviews in Cnet are from people disgruntled with
Symantec in general, and one 1out of 5 based not on, 2009, but a 4
year old product.
I'll wait and see, real evaluations usually show up months after a
product is released. But, since about 2000 Norton/Symantec products
have been more of a virus than an anti-virus. Did they try
uninstalling it and find out if it is still malignant?
As for Powerquest, I concur. I used to use their Drive Image Pro
product which (scripted) was fantastic at the time. Way ahead of the
competition. Then Symantakeover bought it and ruined it. Likewise,
previous to that, Ghost was a great product before Symantakeover
bought it.
But, that's a common scenario. Company "A" buys "B". Sometimes it's to
eliminate the competition from B, so they just convert the customers
and eliminate the product. Sometimes it's because the product is
better but invariably they screw up the company they buy - either by
destroying the culture that made the development possible, and/or
pissing off the management that made it possible; and/or by pissing
off the developers that made it possible. No matter, it's a rare day
that a takeover happens and the product actually gets better.