Partial Eclipse


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
There is a partial eclipse of the sun taking place right now here in the UK. It began at 10.08 and will reach its maximum at 10.59. About a quarter of the sun will be obscured but this will probably not be enough for people to notice it.

Maybe this has something to do with WhatsApp going down !!!!! :D:p
Here is my schoolboy attempt to capture the eclipse using a piece of card and a pinhole, rigged up at 10.45. :)

Ribbet collage.webp

First pic is at 10.54, near the maximum eclipse, and the second is at 11.20, well past the maximum. To me they do look different (I'm biased) but I'm not sure that anyone else will be convinced. :D
Oh nice one @nivrip! I am cross with myself because I didn't see this until a few moments ago (was a bit busy with various things today) but, on the other hand, we probably wouldn't have noticed it here, due to the deep grey skies and general murkiness weather-wise. Interesting to know though, thank you for sharing. :thumb: