Rod Davies
Many Tks to all who have responded and helped me in this. It's
To recap, I had a computer shop rebuild my wifes computer. They built it
under the name RoB Davies...my name is RoD Davies. It should have been under
her name, Lenore Davies. To "fix" this error, I added a User in Control
Panel/User Accounts under the name Lenore and gave her admin rights and
Deleted the User in Control Panle\User Accounts of Rob Davies... or I
THOUGHT I HAD... I then had to MANUALLY ADD the User "Lenore" to C:\Users
However, in C:\Users there is STILL RoB Davies with all folders (music,
saved searches etc) of about 1gb in size and a User Lenore, same folders
(music et al) of about 40KB. I have done some checking and all the Registry
Keys are under Rob Davies.
THINKING BACK, perhaps instead of ADDING a User in Control Panel under
Lenore, maybe I CHANGED the name of the Account from Rob Davies to Lenore.
If I did, perhaps Vista H/Premium DOES NOT amend the C:\User (name) , it
leaves the C:\User as RoB Davies...if you get my drift. Which is why I had
to manually add a Lenore to C:\Users???
Is that possible? And what would therefore happen if I:
1. MANUALLY Deleted the C:\User\Lenore that I manually added.
2. Went to Control Panel\User Accounts and Added another User, say LDavies
with admin rights (which WOULD have VISTA create the User in C:\Users as
3. RENAME the account in Control Panel\User Accounts presently named Lenore
BACK to RoB Davies and then
4. DELETE the User RoB Davies in Control Panel\User Accounts which then
might Delete the User in C:\Users\Rob Davies
Any thoughts on this and sorry for length?!?!?!
Rgds again
Many Tks to all who have responded and helped me in this. It's
To recap, I had a computer shop rebuild my wifes computer. They built it
under the name RoB Davies...my name is RoD Davies. It should have been under
her name, Lenore Davies. To "fix" this error, I added a User in Control
Panel/User Accounts under the name Lenore and gave her admin rights and
Deleted the User in Control Panle\User Accounts of Rob Davies... or I
THOUGHT I HAD... I then had to MANUALLY ADD the User "Lenore" to C:\Users
However, in C:\Users there is STILL RoB Davies with all folders (music,
saved searches etc) of about 1gb in size and a User Lenore, same folders
(music et al) of about 40KB. I have done some checking and all the Registry
Keys are under Rob Davies.
THINKING BACK, perhaps instead of ADDING a User in Control Panel under
Lenore, maybe I CHANGED the name of the Account from Rob Davies to Lenore.
If I did, perhaps Vista H/Premium DOES NOT amend the C:\User (name) , it
leaves the C:\User as RoB Davies...if you get my drift. Which is why I had
to manually add a Lenore to C:\Users???
Is that possible? And what would therefore happen if I:
1. MANUALLY Deleted the C:\User\Lenore that I manually added.
2. Went to Control Panel\User Accounts and Added another User, say LDavies
with admin rights (which WOULD have VISTA create the User in C:\Users as
3. RENAME the account in Control Panel\User Accounts presently named Lenore
BACK to RoB Davies and then
4. DELETE the User RoB Davies in Control Panel\User Accounts which then
might Delete the User in C:\Users\Rob Davies
Any thoughts on this and sorry for length?!?!?!
Rgds again