Been having a go at learning a bit about web services and WCF. Got that bit
working only
to get stuck at parsing the Response. I could simply parse the string myself but
I tried to
have a go at using LINQ to XML. Spent hours messing about with this last night
and still
couldn't work out how to reach particular elements and get their value. Still as
as when I started
So given that:
string res; //is the Response I got
var document = XElement.Parse(res)
var document = XDocument.Parse(res)
I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to use; any hints as to which and (in *very*
terms), why?
Given the Response below, how would I get, for example, the value of the temp_C
If I wanted to get a collection of all of the Elements within the <data> Element
(that is, not
just its own child Element but every one between <data> and </data>), how would
I do that?
What are the major benefits of using Linq as opposed to just parsing the
response string
myself? Are their any other ways?
I use Linq to objects and XAML a lot but never tried to parse xml/xaml, and it
<query>London, United Kingdom</query>
<observation_time>11:11 AM</observation_time>
<weatherDesc><![CDATA[Cloudy ]]></weatherDesc>
working only
to get stuck at parsing the Response. I could simply parse the string myself but
I tried to
have a go at using LINQ to XML. Spent hours messing about with this last night
and still
couldn't work out how to reach particular elements and get their value. Still as
as when I started

So given that:
string res; //is the Response I got
var document = XElement.Parse(res)
var document = XDocument.Parse(res)
I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to use; any hints as to which and (in *very*
terms), why?
Given the Response below, how would I get, for example, the value of the temp_C
If I wanted to get a collection of all of the Elements within the <data> Element
(that is, not
just its own child Element but every one between <data> and </data>), how would
I do that?
What are the major benefits of using Linq as opposed to just parsing the
response string
myself? Are their any other ways?
I use Linq to objects and XAML a lot but never tried to parse xml/xaml, and it

<query>London, United Kingdom</query>
<observation_time>11:11 AM</observation_time>
<weatherDesc><![CDATA[Cloudy ]]></weatherDesc>