Parsing 1 field to 7 - divided by "/"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jani
  • Start date Start date


I have a table where one field needs to be parsed into 7 columns. Each field
is separated by a "/" - examples shown below. I'm most familiar with queries
and would like some help in how to write a criteria to do this. Thanks in
advance! Jani
I believe you will need code to split the string. Try create a new module and
paste this function into it:
Function SplitString(strIn As String, strDelim As String, _
intPart As Integer, Optional booTrim As Boolean = True) As String
Dim Ary
'Arrays are zero based
intPart = intPart - 1
Ary = Split(strIn, strDelim)
If intPart >= 0 And intPart <= UBound(Ary) Then
If booTrim Then
SplitString = Trim(Ary(intPart))
SplitString = Ary(intPart)
End If
SplitString = ""
End If
End Function

Save the module as "modStringFunctions". You can then use the function like:
Column7: SplitString([one field],"/",7)
Here's one way. It's seriously ugly, but it works.

SELECT s.src, Left([src],InStr([src],"/")-1) AS Col1,
AS Col2,
AS Col3,
AS Col4,
AS Col5,
AS Col6,
AS Col7

s is the table, src is the field to be split up.

One method would be to use a custom vba function - see code below. Copy and
paste this into a VBA module.

Public Function fGetToken(strIn, _
Optional strDelimiter As String = " ", _
Optional LPos As Long = 1)
'Return the Nth item from a delimited list of items.

Dim strArr As Variant

If Len(strIn & "") = 0 Then
fGetToken = strIn
strArr = Split(strIn, strDelimiter)
If LPos - 1 <= UBound(strArr) Then
fGetToken = strArr(LPos - 1)
fGetToken = Null
End If
End If

End Function

In your query you could use expressions like:
Field: Field1: fGetToken([TheExistingField],"/",1)

Field: Field2: fGetToken([TheExistingField],"/",2)

In SQL view that would look somethig like
SELECT fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",1) as Field1
, fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",2) as Field2
, ...
, fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",7) as Field7
FROM [TheTable]

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
thank you for a great simple solution.

John Spencer wrote:

One method would be to use a custom vba function - see code below.

One method would be to use a custom vba function - see code below. Copy an
paste this into a VBA module

Public Function fGetToken(strIn,
Optional strDelimiter As String = " ",
Optional LPos As Long = 1
'Return the Nth item from a delimited list of items

Dim strArr As Varian

If Len(strIn & "") = 0 The
fGetToken = strI
strArr = Split(strIn, strDelimiter
If LPos - 1 <= UBound(strArr) The
fGetToken = strArr(LPos - 1
fGetToken = Nul
End I
End I

End Functio

In your query you could use expressions like
Field: Field1: fGetToken([TheExistingField],"/",1

Field: Field2: fGetToken([TheExistingField],"/",2

In SQL view that would look somethig lik
SELECT fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",1) as Field
, fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",2) as Field
, ..
, fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",7) as Field
FROM [TheTable

John Spence
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-201
The Hilltop Institut
University of Maryland Baltimore Count

Jani wrote:

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Parsing 1 field to 7 - divided by "/"
I have a table where one field needs to be parsed into 7 columns. Each fiel
is separated by a "/" - examples shown below. I am most familiar with querie
and would like some help in how to write a criteria to do this. Thanks i
advance! Jan

I believe you will need code to split the string.
I believe you will need code to split the string. Try create a new module an
paste this function into it
Function SplitString(strIn As String, strDelim As String,
intPart As Integer, Optional booTrim As Boolean = True) As Strin
Dim Ar
'Arrays are zero base
intPart = intPart -
Ary = Split(strIn, strDelim
If intPart >= 0 And intPart <= UBound(Ary) The
If booTrim The
SplitString = Trim(Ary(intPart)
SplitString = Ary(intPart
End I
SplitString = "
End I
End Functio

Save the module as "modStringFunctions". You can then use the function like
Column7: SplitString([one field],"/",7

Duane Hooko
Microsoft Access MV


Here is one way. it is seriously ugly, but it works.SELECT s.
Here is one way. it is seriously ugly, but it works

SELECT s.src, Left([src],InStr([src],"/")-1) AS Col1
AS Col2
AS Col3
AS Col4
AS Col5
AS Col6
AS Col

s is the table, src is the field to be split up


One method would be to use a custom vba function - see code below.
One method would be to use a custom vba function - see code below. Copy and
paste this into a VBA module.

Public Function fGetToken(strIn, _
Optional strDelimiter As String = " ", _
Optional LPos As Long = 1)
'Return the Nth item from a delimited list of items.

Dim strArr As Variant

If Len(strIn & "") = 0 Then
fGetToken = strIn
strArr = Split(strIn, strDelimiter)
If LPos - 1 <= UBound(strArr) Then
fGetToken = strArr(LPos - 1)
fGetToken = Null
End If
End If

End Function

In your query you could use expressions like:
Field: Field1: fGetToken([TheExistingField],"/",1)

Field: Field2: fGetToken([TheExistingField],"/",2)

In SQL view that would look somethig like
SELECT fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",1) as Field1
, fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",2) as Field2
, ...
, fGetToken([TheTable].[TheExistingField],"/",7) as Field7
FROM [TheTable]

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Jani wrote:

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