Steven Cheng
below is a copy of a port of the script from my listbox LSTBOX2, which lists
a set of text files in a particular directory and then goes through the file
line by line and extracts particular parts of wholeline for the field values.
for some reason, it isn't picking up the CR or CRLF.
I understand that Line Input relies on CR or CRLF to know where the
end/start of a line is so i believe that is why i see on the intermediate
window the complete file for wholeline variable rather than just one line,
if that is the case, then how can i parse the data now?
If Me.lstBox2.ListCount > 0 Then
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblSalesDataDumpD+Migration")
For counter = 0 To Me.lstBox2.ListCount - 1
Open Me.lstBox2.ItemData(counter) For Input Access Read As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, wholeline
Debug.Print wholeline
MsgBox InStr(1, wholeline, Chr(10), vbBinaryCompare)
Select Case Mid(wholeline, 1, 3)
Case "DTL"
' If Val(Mid(wholeline, 28, 8)) <> 0 Then
With rs
!dtTransactionDate = CDate(dt) ' Transaction
or Business Date
!dtEffectiveDate = CDate(dt) 'effective date
of posting
!intStoreNumber = Int(Mid(wholeline, 4, 5))
' Store number Raw
!dbAmount = Val(Mid(wholeline, 28, 8)) '
If Mid(wholeline, 10, 5) = Mid(wholeline, 4,
5) Then
!strStoreAccount = Mid(wholeline, 15, 6)
' Account number for POS
!intGLCode = Val(Mid(wholeline, 15, 6))
' GL Coding
!strStoreAccount = Mid(wholeline, 10, 6)
' Account number for POS
!intGLCode = Val(Mid(wholeline, 10, 6))
' GL Coding
End If
!strDescription = Trim(Mid(wholeline, 36,
40)) 'description
End With
' End If
Case "HDR"
dt = Mid(wholeline, 17, 2) & "/" & Mid(wholeline,
19, 2) & "/20" & Mid(wholeline, 15, 2)
End Select
Close #1
End If
a set of text files in a particular directory and then goes through the file
line by line and extracts particular parts of wholeline for the field values.
for some reason, it isn't picking up the CR or CRLF.
I understand that Line Input relies on CR or CRLF to know where the
end/start of a line is so i believe that is why i see on the intermediate
window the complete file for wholeline variable rather than just one line,
if that is the case, then how can i parse the data now?
If Me.lstBox2.ListCount > 0 Then
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblSalesDataDumpD+Migration")
For counter = 0 To Me.lstBox2.ListCount - 1
Open Me.lstBox2.ItemData(counter) For Input Access Read As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, wholeline
Debug.Print wholeline
MsgBox InStr(1, wholeline, Chr(10), vbBinaryCompare)
Select Case Mid(wholeline, 1, 3)
Case "DTL"
' If Val(Mid(wholeline, 28, 8)) <> 0 Then
With rs
!dtTransactionDate = CDate(dt) ' Transaction
or Business Date
!dtEffectiveDate = CDate(dt) 'effective date
of posting
!intStoreNumber = Int(Mid(wholeline, 4, 5))
' Store number Raw
!dbAmount = Val(Mid(wholeline, 28, 8)) '
If Mid(wholeline, 10, 5) = Mid(wholeline, 4,
5) Then
!strStoreAccount = Mid(wholeline, 15, 6)
' Account number for POS
!intGLCode = Val(Mid(wholeline, 15, 6))
' GL Coding
!strStoreAccount = Mid(wholeline, 10, 6)
' Account number for POS
!intGLCode = Val(Mid(wholeline, 10, 6))
' GL Coding
End If
!strDescription = Trim(Mid(wholeline, 36,
40)) 'description
End With
' End If
Case "HDR"
dt = Mid(wholeline, 17, 2) & "/" & Mid(wholeline,
19, 2) & "/20" & Mid(wholeline, 15, 2)
End Select
Close #1
End If