Although I do not expect the formula to work in all of the instances in your new example, which, again, contains a number of names in formats that do NOT MATCH anything you had provided previously, you must be doing something incorrect, When I ran it here, it returned the following results, on your new list:
Absolute Diamond 42 p Absolute Diamond 42
Aleksandar 8 Aleksandar
Baltic Spirit 11 Baltic Spirit
Barleycorn 52 Barleycorn
Birdy Boy 5 Birdy Boy
Black Treacle 8 Black Treacle
Blue Shoes 23 Blue Shoes
Bounty Seeker 12 Bounty Seeker
Copybook Copybook
Cracking Choice 12 b Cracking Choice 12
Cymeriad 18 p Cymeriad 18
Dansili Dutch 11 Dansili Dutch
Deepest Blue 12 Deepest Blue
Dhhamaan 12 b Dhhamaan 12
Dialogue 19 t Dialogue 19
Don´t Tell 40 Don´t Tell
Dr Irv 12 Dr Irv
Durham Express 8 Durham Express
Forever Janey 58 Forever Janey
Harbinger Lass 11 Harbinger Lass
Jontleman 11 Jontleman
Jupiter Fidius 26 Jupiter Fidius
Just Paul 4 6x Just Paul 4
Just The Tonic 34 Just The Tonic
Karate Queen 23 p Karate Queen 23
Keep It Cool 7 Keep It Cool
Kindanyce 26 Kindanyce
Lady Alaska 21 Lady Alaska
Since you got the same value in each of those, there must be something wrong with your worksheet, or your environment. Until you determine what that problem is, you will have a difficult time applying any solution that is put forth.
I have no idea what might be the issue, as the formula works as designed, and as was suggested by your previous examples.
But now it seems you have yet another type of format which might involve more than just removing the last two characters. I wonder if you will ever supply us with a comprehensive list; and I continue to be amazed at your expectations that providing us with examples that do not reflect what you are truly dealing with, will result in a solution to your problem.
In any event, after you figure out what is wrong with your environment, such that my last formula "doesn't do anything; just returns the same values", you might want to try this User Defined Function.
But PLEASE let me know the problem that resulted in my formula just returning the same values. It will be useful to me in the future. I would suggest ensuring that you have calculation mode set to automatic, but beyond that I am not sure.
Follow these instructions very carefully to enter and use the UDF:
To enter this User Defined Function (UDF), <alt-F11> opens the Visual Basic Editor.
Ensure your project is highlighted in the Project Explorer window.
Then, from the top menu, select Insert/Module and
paste the code below into the window that opens.
To use this User Defined Function (UDF), enter a formula like
in some cell.
With all of the examples you have posted so far, in all of the various formats you have provided, this UDF returns what seems to be the desired result (see below)
Option Explicit
Function HorseName(s As String) As String
Dim re As Object
Const sPat As String = "(^.*?)(\s\w{1,2})*$"
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With re
.Global = True
.MultiLine = False
.Pattern = sPat
HorseName = .Replace(s, "$1")
End With
End Function
Here are your provided examples, and the results using this UDF. If it is not working for you, re-read the instructions carefully.
Arcadian Legend Arcadian Legend
Black Sceptre Black Sceptre
Cape Factor Cape Factor
Copper Trade Copper Trade
Daneglow Daneglow
Dawn Rock Dawn Rock
Dazzling Valentine Dazzling Valentine
Delightful Sleep Delightful Sleep
Delphica v Delphica
Double Star Double Star
East Texas Red East Texas Red
Flashy Star Flashy Star
Flicksta Flicksta
Go Amwell v Go Amwell
Handsome Stranger v Handsome Stranger
Hi Note Hi Note
High Tone High Tone
Hilden b Hilden
Absolute Diamond 42 p Absolute Diamond
Aleksandar 8 Aleksandar
Baltic Spirit 11 Baltic Spirit
Barleycorn 52 Barleycorn
Birdy Boy 5 Birdy Boy
Black Treacle 8 Black Treacle
Blue Shoes 23 Blue Shoes
Bounty Seeker 12 Bounty Seeker
Copybook Copybook
Cracking Choice 12 b Cracking Choice
Cymeriad 18 p Cymeriad
Dansili Dutch 11 Dansili Dutch
Deepest Blue 12 Deepest Blue
Dhhamaan 12 b Dhhamaan
Dialogue 19 t Dialogue
Don´t Tell 40 Don´t Tell
Dr Irv 12 Dr Irv
Durham Express 8 Durham Express
Forever Janey 58 Forever Janey
Harbinger Lass 11 Harbinger Lass
Jontleman 11 Jontleman
Jupiter Fidius 26 Jupiter Fidius
Just Paul 4 6x Just Paul
Just The Tonic 34 Just The Tonic
Karate Queen 23 p Karate Queen
Keep It Cool 7 Keep It Cool
Kindanyce 26 Kindanyce
Lady Alaska 21 Lady Alaska
Baron Run h1 Baron Run
Blazeofenchantment p Blazeofenchantment
Danehill Flyer 6x Danehill Flyer
Klynch b Klynch
Orbit The Moon tp Orbit The Moon
Queen Flush b1 Queen Flush