Parse Field

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hank
  • Start date Start date


I have a temp file (find.tmp) that contains the following string:

INW-SAM servername01 9999 3032 RUNNING Apr 27 17:22:07 2010

I'm trying to extract the 4th field, which is a PID, (3032) so I can
pass the PID to a kill process command. Below is the command I'm
using to trying to extract the data with:

for /f "tokens=4 delims=" %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo G: %%G

However, my logic (or lack of understanding of tokens) is wrong. Any
help is appreciated!
I have a temp file (find.tmp) that contains the following string:

INW-SAM servername01 9999 3032 RUNNING Apr 27 17:22:07 2010

I'm trying to extract the 4th field, which is a PID, (3032) so I can
pass the PID to a kill process command. Below is the command I'm
using to trying to extract the data with:

for /f "tokens=4 delims=" %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo G: %%G

However, my logic (or lack of understanding of tokens) is wrong. Any
help is appreciated!

"tokens=4 delims= "

You need to set the delims to a space or tab as the case might be - or
remove the delims= entirely as the default is already space and tab.
Hank said:
I have a temp file (find.tmp) that contains the following string:

INW-SAM servername01 9999 3032 RUNNING Apr 27 17:22:07 2010

I'm trying to extract the 4th field, which is a PID, (3032) so I can
pass the PID to a kill process command. Below is the command I'm
using to trying to extract the data with:

for /f "tokens=4 delims=" %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo G: %%G

However, my logic (or lack of understanding of tokens) is wrong. Any
help is appreciated!

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo G: %%G


for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo G: %%G

work both. You must specify the blank char when you use delims keyword or
you must omit delims keyword because space char is delimter by default.

Am 2010-04-30 15:16, schrieb Hank:
I have a temp file (find.tmp) that contains the following string:

INW-SAM servername01 9999 3032 RUNNING Apr 27 17:22:07 2010

I'm trying to extract the 4th field, which is a PID, (3032) so I can
pass the PID to a kill process command. Below is the command I'm
using to trying to extract the data with:

for /f "tokens=4 delims=" %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo G: %%G

However, my logic (or lack of understanding of tokens) is wrong. Any
help is appreciated!

Hi Hank,

well the tokens=4 is right but by disabling the delimiters all content
will fit in token 1 which you skipped.

Since space is a standard delimiter you simply can omit the delims=
Thanks everyone! Another question. I'm now trying to kill the task
with my code below, but I'm getting "invalid syntax" for the taskkill

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%G in (find.tmp) SET PID=%%G

Thanks for any help!
Thanks everyone! Another question. I'm now trying to kill the task
with my code below, but I'm getting "invalid syntax" for the taskkill

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%G in (find.tmp) SET PID=%%G

Thanks for any help!

You left the DO keyword out of the for in do command - is that a copy and
Am 2010-05-10 22:15, schrieb Hank:
Thanks everyone! Another question. I'm now trying to kill the task
with my code below, but I'm getting "invalid syntax" for the taskkill

for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%G in (find.tmp) SET PID=%%G

Hi Hank,

if you use an nonexistent Pid you get a different error message,

Looks like PID is not defined, you could check it prior to using it,

But better you'd don't use a canned PID from a file but get the actual
PID with tasklist or whatever you used to generate find.tmp.
I'm getting the PID successfully, but having trouble passing it to the
taskkill command. Here's the output from the batch file attempt:

1968 set PID=1968
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Value expected for '/pid'.
Type "TASKKILL /?" for usage.
Am 2010-05-11 15:27, schrieb Hank:
I'm getting the PID successfully, but having trouble passing it to the
taskkill command. Here's the output from the batch file attempt:

1968 set PID=1968
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Value expected for '/pid'.
Type "TASKKILL /?" for usage.

Did you follow Mic's tip and insert the missing do?

What is that number 1968 in front of the set?

Please post the batch part which generates the temp file also,
Maybe we can construe a parsing for /f which gets the pid directly.
I'm not sure where the DO command is missing. Here's the complete
batch file. Note that I'm pulling the PID from a third-party
application (hence brcontrol).

@echo off
cd d:\incharge7\sam\smarts\bin
cd \temp
findstr /c:"INW-SAM ENPEFRSMA01.afspdev 9999 "
for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%G in (find.tmp) do @echo %%G set PID=%%G
do @echo %%G
taskkill /pid %PID%
Am 2010-05-11 16:42, schrieb Hank:
I'm not sure where the DO command is missing.
The syntax can be seen at the command line with:
for /?
Here's the complete batch file.
Note that I'm pulling the PID from a third-party application
(hence brcontrol).

That doesn't matter. As long as that app outputs to stdout it can be
parsed with a for /f.

Try this modified batch without temp files.

@echo off
set Search="INW-SAM ENPEFRSMA01.afspdev 9999 "
Pushd "d:\incharge7\sam\smarts\bin"
for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'brcontrol ^|findstr /I /C:%Search%'
) do set PID=%%G
echo PID=%PID%
if Not defined PID Echo PID not defined & Pause & goto :Eof
taskkill /pid %PID%

Okay, another question. I only get to work on this maybe one hour a
week if I'm lucky, hence the sporadic questions! Anyway, I (tried) to
modify the code to look for the absence of the PID after I stop it,
but the do set command is setting it to 0. I'm missing something
obviously. Here's the code:

@echo off
set Search="INW-SAM ENPEFRSMA01.afspdev 9999 "
Pushd "d:\incharge7\sam\smarts\bin"
for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'brcontrol ^|findstr /I /C:%Search%'
) do set PID=%%G
echo OLD-PID=%PID%

rem sm_service stop ic-sam-server

echo OLD-PID=%PID%

for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'tasklist /NH /fi "PID eq %PID%"'
) do set PID=%%G
if "%pid%"=="" echo No PID found & exit /b
echo NEW-PID=%PID%
Okay, another question. I only get to work on this maybe one hour a
week if I'm lucky, hence the sporadic questions! Anyway, I (tried) to
modify the code to look for the absence of the PID after I stop it,
but the do set command is setting it to 0. I'm missing something
obviously. Here's the code:

@echo off
set Search="INW-SAM ENPEFRSMA01.afspdev 9999 "
Pushd "d:\incharge7\sam\smarts\bin"
for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'brcontrol ^|findstr /I /C:%Search%'
) do set PID=%%G
echo OLD-PID=%PID%

rem sm_service stop ic-sam-server

echo OLD-PID=%PID%

for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'tasklist /NH /fi "PID eq %PID%"'
) do set PID=%%G
if "%pid%"=="" echo No PID found & exit /b
echo NEW-PID=%PID%

Try this modification:

for /f "tokens=2" %%G in (
'tasklist /NH /fi "PID eq %PID%"'
) do set PID=%%G

You were setting it to the Session# and not the PID column - but why you
are sitting the PID again, once you already have the PID?
Here's the gist of what I'm trying to do:

1. Capture the PID of a process that I need to restart.
2. Stop the process (using sm_service stop)
3. I have to now wait for the process to complete writing out its temp
files, so I'm checking to see when the process is NULL.
4. Once it's NULL, then restart the process again.

Here's the gist of what I'm trying to do:

1. Capture the PID of a process that I need to restart.
2. Stop the process (using sm_service stop)
3. I have to now wait for the process to complete writing out its temp
files, so I'm checking to see when the process is NULL.
4. Once it's NULL, then restart the process again.

If it's a service that you are stopping:

@echo off
net stop ic-sam-server
net start |find /i "ic-sam-server">nul && goto :loop
net start ic-sam-server

If only it was that simple! :-) The application (SMARTS-in-Charge)
creates numerous processes called sm_server (with unique PIDs), but
each one performs a different function, hence the reason I can't just
kill the sm_server process. I have to use the sm_service stop ic-sam-
server command to stop the specific process.
If only it was that simple! :-) The application (SMARTS-in-Charge)
creates numerous processes called sm_server (with unique PIDs), but
each one performs a different function, hence the reason I can't just
kill the sm_server process. I have to use the sm_service stop ic-sam-
server command to stop the specific process.

This is based on your code but the tasklist command looks for a string that
is returned to STDERR when the PID is not found.

@echo off
set Search="INW-SAM ENPEFRSMA01.afspdev 9999 "
Pushd "d:\incharge7\sam\smarts\bin"
for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'brcontrol ^|findstr /I /C:%Search%'
) do set PID=%%G
echo OLD-PID=%PID%

rem sm_service stop ic-sam-server

tasklist /FI "PID eq %pid%" 2>&1 |find /i "INFO: No tasks">nul || (
goto :loop
Am 2010-05-18 20:59, schrieb Hank:

If only it was that simple! :-) The application (SMARTS-in-Charge)
creates numerous processes called sm_server (with unique PIDs), but
each one performs a different function, hence the reason I can't just
kill the sm_server process. I have to use the sm_service stop ic-sam-
server command to stop the specific process.

So why don't you reuse the snippet known to be working?

I stuffed it into a sub (untested)
I integrated a timeout when waiting for the service to stop.
the ping waits 2 seconds berfore retrying and the count is 30 making
one minute, change these numbers to your liking.

:: ------------------------------------------------------------------
@Echo off&Setlocal
set Search="INW-SAM ENPEFRSMA01.afspdev 9999 "

Call :GetPid PID
If Not defined PID Echo Service not running & goto :Eof
:: stop Service
sm_service stop ic-sam-server

Set Cnt=0
If %Cnt% GTR 30 Echo Timeout stopping service&Pause&Goto :Eof
Call :GetPid PID
if defined PID Ping -n 2 Localhost >NUL &Set /A Cnt+=1 &Goto :Redo
Echo Service(ses) are down
:: do whatever

Goto :Eof
:GetPID PID ---------------------------------------------------------
if defined PID set "PID="
Pushd "d:\incharge7\sam\smarts\bin"
for /f "tokens=4" %%G in (
'brcontrol ^|findstr /I /C:%Search%'
) do set PID=%%G
Endlocal&Set "PID=%PID%"
:: ------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks Mic. Can you explain this piece of code you're using:

2>&1 |find /i "INFO: No tasks">nul || (
goto :loop