How can i parse a hierarchical xml file to a dataGrid (complete xml file).
Adding the attributes from an element works well, but i need to add all
(child) elements and there attributes (from root to end)
<rootelement attribute="" attribute="">
<firstelement attribute="" attribute="">
<secondelement attribute="" attribute="" attribute="">
<thirdelement attribute="">
<fourthelement attribute="" attribute="">
<fifthelement attribute="" attribute="">
<secondelement attribute=" attribute="" attribute="">
<thirdelement attribute="">
<fourthelement attribute="">
<fifthelement attribute="" attribute="">
(Windows applicarion)
Adding the attributes from an element works well, but i need to add all
(child) elements and there attributes (from root to end)
<rootelement attribute="" attribute="">
<firstelement attribute="" attribute="">
<secondelement attribute="" attribute="" attribute="">
<thirdelement attribute="">
<fourthelement attribute="" attribute="">
<fifthelement attribute="" attribute="">
<secondelement attribute=" attribute="" attribute="">
<thirdelement attribute="">
<fourthelement attribute="">
<fifthelement attribute="" attribute="">
(Windows applicarion)