Parking ticket

Jan 4, 2003
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Do we have any traffic wardens that can help me out here?

Monday I parked my car where I usually do, went to have a medical and came back 30mins later to find a ticket on my car.

The area I parked in was to my knowledge a Parking disc area but apparently had been changed recently. I havent parked there for over 2months so I didnt know this. The ticket time was 10:25, thats 10mins after I parked there!

Surely I cant protest against this ticket and win?

Anyone help?
If it has changed then there should be signs about the place warning you of parking procedures, if thats the case then you don't have a leg to stand on...

Worth a try though nothing ventured nothing gained...
Presumption being the mother of all fckups i didnt look until after I saw the ticket. It does say pay and display. However as I said before I havent been there for a couple of months. My parents told me they were posting warnings on cars for the first week. That is it, surely a warning would have been nice?
All the years those spaces have been there they have been parking disc then all of a sudden they change it!!??
Sad to say I don't think you have any chance at all :(

They'll just argue you should have read the signs.

When I first moved in here I assumed all bays were for residents with permits and so I parked up - and got a ticket. Turns out I had parked in a bay reserved for the public with a two hour parking limit. I was there all day :mad:

You, could, alternatively, acquire an AK-47 and riddle the offending warden with holes :)

Won't get you off the fine but will make you feel considerably uplifted.
Well apparently the letter that is written is looked at and based on a point system. IF so many points are awarded for wording or what ever it is the tickets are dropped. I learned this a couple years ago however not actually sure it is true. I was told by a traffic warden in another forum

Seems unfair I didnt even get a warning or given benefit of the doubt. 10mins later I was given a ticket? My disc was in the window!! Very naughty!!!
Nor would a panzershreck rocket to the traffic wardens cafeteria at lunchtime...:D
I have a Cousin who is a traffic warden ... the stories she tells are hilarious, and true.

If the signs are there along with the correct road markings then ... they win, you loose, pay up. :)

However, I think the Law should be changed ... anybody who, allegedly, is caught illegally parking their car should spend two weeks being a Traffic Warden ... in London. :D

The signs are there yes however they are above a certain height ie they are 10foot high. That is without a doubt unreasonable. And apparently they have agreed to let some tickets go within a certain time of issue. However for someone that hasnt been there for 2months park for 25mins and is issued a ticket within 10mins of parking is that really reasonable?

It just shows they know how many problems this would cause!

Money making fcks