Parking sensors


Dedicated Cruncher
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hi All
Have bought a Xsara Picasso and it is a pig to reverse park - there is not much room in Bude in the summer (?). Googled lots on parking sensors and hope somebody out there is clued up on this.
Most common is ultrasonic where you drill four holes in your back bumper for the sensors and get increasing numbers of beeps as you get near things.
Next is electromagnetic which has an aluminium strip stuck to the inside your bumper fed with current creating an e-m field around the back of the car - anything interfering with this field is detected - beeps, etc.
The latter seems best but if you have a towbar - and I intend to fit one - it apparently causes a problem.
Thanks in advance
I have seen that kind of stuff going cheap lately in the sunday markets but imo you should go to a decent car accessory shop. They are all nearly the same i think. Did you ask the place where you bought it. The car accessory shop ones are self fitting and you will need to be auto electric savvy. I think they cost about 80 euro which is about 65 sterling give or take.
Personally i'd go for the elecromagnetic choice simply because i wouldn't fancy drilling holes in me back bumper.
Try halfords....they even have camera's too!!

You can get them fitted too, but they get expensive. Ask for a demo before you shell out.
Lets know how it goes

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Our local Mitsubishi garaage had a poster up offering you a new reversing mirror with small tv section and cameras on the back of the car inc. fitting for £489. Don't know any more but it looked a neat system.

Parking Sensor

Thanks Guys
Will research some more. Have seen a Citroen set-up at quite a bit of money but no technical details - will check on this also.
Parking sensor

Thanks itsme
The reviews are certainly very good and fitting seems a doddle - I have a wiring diagram for the car. This is the one for me.
Best price at the moment appears to be Abacus Car Alarms at £69.99 + £1.50 p&p, I think it includes dear Gordon's cut but will have to check.
peahouse05 said:
Thanks itsme
The reviews are certainly very good and fitting seems a doddle - I have a wiring diagram for the car. This is the one for me.
Best price at the moment appears to be Abacus Car Alarms at £69.99 + £1.50 p&p, I think it includes dear Gordon's cut but will have to check.

Glad to be of assistance and your very welcome.