Park and Ride in to Central London?


Feb 23, 2002
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I've got a meeting this weekend in London and I'd normally just get the train in... however it is not possible to book a train from Manchester to London at the moment, because of industrial action and staff shortages.

I can drive all the way from Manchester and Park in Mayfair for a couple of nights, but as I'm going to be jumping on the tube to get around anyway, I wondered if there's somewhere just outside central London that is a good place to drop off the car for the weekend and ride in? It would save congestion charge and extortionate parking, as well as be much easier.

Has anyone here done that before and have any recommendations, or is it just worth driving in and parking centrally?
Haha, that is bonkers! Shame Stanstead is pretty far away. The flight costs almost as much as a taxi in to Manchester for me :lol:.

In the end, I managed to book a train as it looks like they're releasing them in batches. Absolute chaos - no-one is going to use trains at this rate.