Can someone help me please, I dont have any parental control sftware and want
to limit a 14 yr old boy from what he views online, have noticed he has been
viewing unsuitable material and dont wan to stop him using PC but just limit
his access, does putting him on a limited user account prevent this type of
viewing or do I need to take other measures other than poking his eyes out.
Concerned parent.
I have bought a number of products that do this, however, the best I
have found is Spectorsoft Pro. While they do not have a 30 day money
back offer like some others, they do have tech support that is there
and both friendly and helpful. I have a copy of it on each of my
kids' PCs. It allows me to limit the hours they use the Internet. It
also captures there screen images in a very easy to use interface that
let's me "play' the images as a session. I can also be alerted when
they enter various keywords. I can also track their IM messages and
their interactions on MySpace. You can also lock out certain websites
and types of website, though I haven't done much of that. Once my
kids realized there was nothing they could do on their PC that would
not get back to me, they quit trying. There are many other features
as well, but you can see them at their website.
As the father of six kids, and the administrator for a household with
many PCs, I can say this is the best tool I have found. Plus the
company is also very helpful. I paid a bit more for this software
than I did other stuff, but it works much better.
BTW, I am not affiliated with their organization in any other way then
I am a customer. I receive no benefit from my kind words. I just
know I have been frustrated in the past by the very problem that faces
you. Being a parent and protecting your kids while allowing them
access is a tough job. This software allows you to monitor their
activity and prevent them from going to certain places.