Windows XP Parental control/logging software.

Jun 16, 2005
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I have a friend who is concerned about there daughters web/chat activity at home.
Started to become quite secretive around the family PC. Deleting chat history and stuff.

I suggested perhaps some parental control software that perhaps logs keystrokes etc...
I know in MSN you can save conversations to a folder but thought there might be something else as I'm sure the daughter has turned this off.

Not clued up on what is available out there an thought somebody here may have some suggestions either free or not.

Thanks in advance!

muckshifter said:
The only "parental control" I know that may work is, trust ... if you can't use that, then take the PC away. :)

buy the way, ALL teenagers KNOW everything in the world there is to know, you cannot convince them otherwise ;)


I agree with you Mucks. If it was my kid I would of done something before it got to this point.

They have moved the PC downstairs but she keeps closing doors and hiding things from them I think.
I don't think she's worried about paedophiles etc... more like what sort of conversations she's having and possible bullying via MSN.

If it was me? A little chat would be in order but hey ho.

I've seen WebWatcher get pretty good reviews. I might suggest a chat though. ;)