Parent window not closing HTTP Connections made by child window


Sameer Fegade

I have a web applicatin A. I browse to PageA of this
application which lists number of links. When a link is
clicked it opens a page PageB on a new site B. I close
this PageB before it completely gets rendered. Now if I
click on any other link on PageA which is trying to open
any page on site B browser is not able to send request to
site B.

If I change the registry settings as mentioned in article;en-us%
3B183110 everything works fine.

My Conclusion : Browser window having PageA is maintaining
http connections to SiteB when PageB is closed in between
these connections are not closing.

My Problem :
1. Why PageA window is maintaining these connections
2. How to get rid of this problem.

Robert Aldwinckle

2. How to get rid of this problem.

Which OS? If XP try this (in a command window)


Make a note of the PID. For purpose of example in the next
command let's say it is 1234

netstat -a -n -o | find /i "1234"

Make a note of any connections. (BTW what state are they in?)

Close all IE windows. Verify with the tasklist command again that
that PID is gone. (Or use Task Manager to prove that iexplore.exe
is no longer an active process.)

Now use the netstat command again. Are the connections gone?
If not how are they being associated now?

BTW whenever I have problems with hung connections I often
just hangup my connection and redial.


Robert Aldwinckle

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