How does a "sub-form", i.e. one invoked by another form, determine anything
about the form which brought it into existence, i.e., I suppose,
instantiated it? I wanted to so something like this ...
MsgBox("called by " & Owner.Name)
.... but that throws a null reference exception. Parent.Name and
ParentForm.Name also throw null reference exceptions. Form1.Name works -
but that's not very flexible.
My MsgBox, above, is in the constructor of the "sub-form".
Thanks, Bob
about the form which brought it into existence, i.e., I suppose,
instantiated it? I wanted to so something like this ...
MsgBox("called by " & Owner.Name)
.... but that throws a null reference exception. Parent.Name and
ParentForm.Name also throw null reference exceptions. Form1.Name works -
but that's not very flexible.
My MsgBox, above, is in the constructor of the "sub-form".
Thanks, Bob