Rolf Welskes
I have the following problem:
I have tableA, tableB
A relation between tableA and TableB.
So table B is the child of table A.
In tableA, tableB may keyX be the foreingn key and Fk_tableA_tableB the
Now I have a DataView dvA pointed to tableA.
Now I take a bindingSource bs and set:
bs.DataSource = dvA.
Now I set dataGridViewA.DataSource = bs.
Further I set
dataGridViewB.DataSource = bs.Fk_tableA_tableB.
So I get dvA seeing in dataGridViewA (Parent). as dvA.
I see in dataGridViewB the child-rows of a row selected in tableA / dvA/
datagridA .
now I have dvB a dataView for the child.
I want to use this DataView for my child.
But I do not know how.
I want for tableA and tableB have dataView dvA to tableA and dvB have to
tableB, but
on the other side I want with dvB not see all Rows of tableB, but only the
child rows of a row of tableA.
What can I do?
Thank you for any help.
Rolf Welskes
I have the following problem:
I have tableA, tableB
A relation between tableA and TableB.
So table B is the child of table A.
In tableA, tableB may keyX be the foreingn key and Fk_tableA_tableB the
Now I have a DataView dvA pointed to tableA.
Now I take a bindingSource bs and set:
bs.DataSource = dvA.
Now I set dataGridViewA.DataSource = bs.
Further I set
dataGridViewB.DataSource = bs.Fk_tableA_tableB.
So I get dvA seeing in dataGridViewA (Parent). as dvA.
I see in dataGridViewB the child-rows of a row selected in tableA / dvA/
datagridA .
now I have dvB a dataView for the child.
I want to use this DataView for my child.
But I do not know how.
I want for tableA and tableB have dataView dvA to tableA and dvB have to
tableB, but
on the other side I want with dvB not see all Rows of tableB, but only the
child rows of a row of tableA.
What can I do?
Thank you for any help.
Rolf Welskes