Got a datagridview with records bound to tableParent. Each time I go to a
new row (single select) in the datagrid view I want a series of textboxes as
well as another datagridview to shwo the realted records. The textboxes are
in tableChild1 and the other datagridview is of tableChild2, Both these
tables have a PK-FK relationship established in the dataset being used. How
can I do this?
Any help appreciated.
new row (single select) in the datagrid view I want a series of textboxes as
well as another datagridview to shwo the realted records. The textboxes are
in tableChild1 and the other datagridview is of tableChild2, Both these
tables have a PK-FK relationship established in the dataset being used. How
can I do this?
Any help appreciated.