I have limited my girlfriends daughters usage of her laptop by limiting her
time to use the computer through time limitations found in prentatl controls.
She has found out that if she adjusts her time on her user account that she
can allow herself to staty on the computer at a later time. Is ther another
way to lock out her ability to adjust her time? This still limits her time
she can be on but allows her to adjust the time of the window so she can be
up later when her mother is asleep.
time to use the computer through time limitations found in prentatl controls.
She has found out that if she adjusts her time on her user account that she
can allow herself to staty on the computer at a later time. Is ther another
way to lock out her ability to adjust her time? This still limits her time
she can be on but allows her to adjust the time of the window so she can be
up later when her mother is asleep.