alex said:
I picked up a parasite in my browser and every time I bring
it up it goes to that site, opens 6 or 7 windows and tryes
to dile places. I change the deafault site in the "internet
options" but it goes to that site anyway. Would appriciate
any help on getting rid of it.
Thanks, Alex.
Porn dialler parasite!
Use SpyBot Search & Destroy to get rid of it.
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Navigate to the SpyBot S&D section.
Install, reboot, read FAQ and overview, use online
update feature to obtain the latest reference files,
scan for Spyware much like you would with your
pre-installed anti-virus scanner.
Rid your machine of unwanted Spyware pests.
As Mike Burgess already posted, use these valuable tips
in avoiding these events from happening again.
"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_