You are correct. I've worked with both in .NET and with C++ in Visual Studio
Here's a link to prove that.
One thing to note as well, if you create a Visual 6.0 C++ program to access
OleDB the syntax for calling a stored procedure is the same as the ODBC
{ CALL SampleProc(?, ?) }
But in .NET it's just the stored procedure name. Go figure.
Using Parameters with a SqlCommand
When using parameters with a SqlCommand, the names of the parameters added
to the Parameters collection must match the names of the parameter markers
in your stored procedure. The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server
treats parameters in the stored procedure as named parameters and searches
for the matching parameter markers.
The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server does not support the
question mark (?) placeholder for passing parameters to an SQL statement or
a stored procedure. In this case, you must use named parameters, as in the
following example.
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerIDUsing Parameters with
an OleDbCommand or OdbcCommand
When using parameters with an OleDbCommand or OdbcCommand, the order of the
parameters added to the Parameters collection must match the order of the
parameters defined in your stored procedure. The .NET Framework Data
Provider for OLE DB and .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC treat
parameters in a stored procedure as placeholders and applies parameter
values in order. In addition, return value parameters must be the first
parameters added to the Parameters collection.
The .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB and .NET Framework Data Provider
for ODBC do not support named parameters for passing parameters to an SQL
statement or a stored procedure. In this case, you must use the question
mark (?) placeholder, as in the following example.
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?As a result, the order in which
Parameter objects are added to the Parameters collection must directly
correspond to the position of the question mark placeholder for the