Couldn't think of a better title...
I have several queries that pull in item ID, description,
quantity, price, plus (hidden) company, month and year.
Month and year are parameters the user inputs, works fine.
But I have to include the company because each query wants
to see a different set of customers, and there is no field
currently to distinguish what set they go in...I'm just
putting the right companies in my criteria.
When I sum the quantity and price, it sums by item ID *by
company*. I want to sum just by item ID for all companies
that are in my company criteria.
How do I force the query to not include the company when
I have several queries that pull in item ID, description,
quantity, price, plus (hidden) company, month and year.
Month and year are parameters the user inputs, works fine.
But I have to include the company because each query wants
to see a different set of customers, and there is no field
currently to distinguish what set they go in...I'm just
putting the right companies in my criteria.
When I sum the quantity and price, it sums by item ID *by
company*. I want to sum just by item ID for all companies
that are in my company criteria.
How do I force the query to not include the company when