Parameterized Query and Record Filters

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This group came through for me last time so here we go again. My page
shows paint colors, brand name, product code, etc in a gridview with
the background matching the paint color. Several links on the page are
used to call itself with querystring values for brand, thinner,
finish, etc. The page must show all colors if the querystring is
empty and filter out records that don't match the querystring value
when it's not. I've tried building a parameterized query in Vis Web
Dev Exp but can't get it to work right. As a workaround, I wrote code
in the GridView1_RowDataBound event that turns the data rows invisible
if they don't fit the query right before they get the back color set.
Is there a better way (less code, quicker execution) to do this? In
ASP I would set the objPaintsRS.filter to whatever I needed. A couple
lines of code. Here's the code for the page. Thanks very much in

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://">
<script runat="server">
Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal
e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
If Request.QueryString.Count > 0 Then
'filter to show brand from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("brand")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("brand")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("brand")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show standards-based from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("standard")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("standard")) = "fs"
If e.Row.DataItem("fsnumber") = "" Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
ElseIf LCase(Request.QueryString("standard")) =
"rlm" Then
If e.Row.DataItem("rlmnumber") = "" Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
'filter to show thinnedby from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("thinnedby")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("thinnedby")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("thinnedby")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show type from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("type")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("type")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("type")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show container from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("container")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("container")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("container")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show finish from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("finish")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("finish")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("finish")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show colorgroup from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("colorgroup")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("colorgroup")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("colorgroup")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
'set background color
Dim c As String
c = "#" & e.Row.DataItem("RGBHex")
e.Row.BackColor =
'set font color
If e.Row.DataItem("redvalue") +
e.Row.DataItem("greenvalue") + e.Row.DataItem("bluevalue") < 382 Then
e.Row.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.White
End If
End If
End Sub
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<br />
<table width="100%">
<td width="1%" valign="top">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"
Height="700px" ScrollBars="Both" Width="1865px">
<table cellpadding="2">
<br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1"
runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"

OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound" AllowSorting="True"
CellPadding="3" HeaderStyle-Font-Names="verdana"
Size="Small" RowStyle-Font-Names="verdana" RowStyle-Font-Size="Small">
DataField="Brand" HeaderText="Brand" SortExpression="Brand" />
DataField="Productcode" HeaderText="Prod Code"
SortExpression="Productcode" >
Width="55px" />
DataField="Colorname" HeaderText="Color Name"
SortExpression="Colorname" >
Width="210px" />
DataField="ThinnedBy" HeaderText="Thinner" SortExpression="ThinnedBy" /<asp:BoundField
DataField="Type" HeaderText="Type" SortExpression="Type" />
DataField="Container" HeaderText="Container"
SortExpression="Container" >
Width="65px" />
DataField="Finish" HeaderText="Finish" SortExpression="Finish" >
Width="50px" Wrap="False" />
DataField="RLMNumber" HeaderText="RLM Std" SortExpression="RLMNumber"<HeaderStyle
Width="60px" />
DataField="FSNumber" HeaderText="FS Std" SortExpression="FSNumber" >
Width="70px" />
DataField="RedValue" HeaderText="Red Value" SortExpression="RedValue"
Visible="False" />
DataField="ColorGroup" HeaderText="Color Group"
Visible="False" />
DataField="GreenValue" HeaderText="Green Value"
Visible="False" />
DataField="BlueValue" HeaderText="Blue Value"
Visible="False" />
DataField="RGBHex" HeaderText="RGB Hex" SortExpression="RGBHex"
Visible="False" />
ID="HyperLink1" runat="server">HyperLink</asp:HyperLink>
<HeaderStyle Font-
Names="verdana" Font-Size="Small" />
<RowStyle Font-
Names="verdana" Font-Size="Small" />
ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/
[Brand], [Productcode], [ThinnedBy], [Type], [Container], [Finish],
[Colorname], [RLMNumber], [FSNumber], [ColorGroup], [RedValue],
[GreenValue], [BlueValue], [RGBHex] FROM [AllPaints] ORDER BY [Brand],
&nbsp;<br />
<br />
<td valign="top" nowrap="noWrap">
<br />
<td nowrap="noWrap">
Basic Filters</td>
<td style="width: 3px">
<span style="color: #0000ff; text-
decoration: underline">Show All</span><br />
<td style="width: 3px"
Brands<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=delta ceramcoat">Delta Ceramcoat</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=humbrol">Humbrol</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=model master">Model Master</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=polly scale">Polly Scale</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=tamiya">Tamiya</a><br />
Standards-Based<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
standard=rlm">RLM</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
standard=fs">FS</a><br />
<br />
Type<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
type=acrylic">Acrylic</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
type=enamel">Enamel<br />
<br />
<br />
Thinned By<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=acetone">Acetone<br />
</a>&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=alcohol">Alcohol<br />
</a>&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=ammonia">Ammonia</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=spirits">Spirits<br />
</a>&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=water">Water</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=xylene">Xylene</a><br />
<br />
Container<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="tool.aspx?
Container=bottle">Bottle</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
Container=spray">Spray</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
Container=tinlet">Tinlet</a><br />
<br />
Finish<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=flat">Flat</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=gloss">Gloss</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=metallic">Metallic</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=metalcote">Metalcote</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=semi gloss">Semi Gloss<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="tool.aspx"></a>
<br />
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span
style="color: #0000ff"></span></span>
<br />
<a href="tool.aspx?finish=semi-gloss"></a>
<br />
<br />
This group came through for me last time so here we go again. My page
shows paint colors, brand name, product code, etc in a gridview with
the background matching the paint color. Several links on the page are
used to call itself with querystring values for brand, thinner,
finish, etc. The page must show all colors if the querystring is
empty and filter out records that don't match the querystring value
when it's not. I've tried building a parameterized query in Vis Web
Dev Exp but can't get it to work right. As a workaround, I wrote code
in the GridView1_RowDataBound event that turns the data rows invisible
if they don't fit the query right before they get the back color set.
Is there a better way (less code, quicker execution) to do this? In
ASP I would set the objPaintsRS.filter to whatever I needed. A couple
lines of code. Here's the code for the page. Thanks very much in

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<script runat="server">
Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal
e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
If Request.QueryString.Count > 0 Then
'filter to show brand from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("brand")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("brand")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("brand")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show standards-based from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("standard")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("standard")) = "fs"
If e.Row.DataItem("fsnumber") = "" Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
ElseIf LCase(Request.QueryString("standard")) =
"rlm" Then
If e.Row.DataItem("rlmnumber") = "" Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
'filter to show thinnedby from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("thinnedby")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("thinnedby")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("thinnedby")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show type from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("type")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("type")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("type")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show container from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("container")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("container")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("container")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show finish from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("finish")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("finish")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("finish")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
'filter to show colorgroup from query string
If Len(Request.QueryString("colorgroup")) <> 0 Then
If LCase(Request.QueryString("colorgroup")) <>
LCase(e.Row.DataItem("colorgroup")) Then
e.Row.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
'set background color
Dim c As String
c = "#" & e.Row.DataItem("RGBHex")
e.Row.BackColor =
'set font color
If e.Row.DataItem("redvalue") +
e.Row.DataItem("greenvalue") + e.Row.DataItem("bluevalue") < 382 Then
e.Row.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.White
End If
End If
End Sub
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<br />
<table width="100%">
<td width="1%" valign="top">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"
Height="700px" ScrollBars="Both" Width="1865px">
<table cellpadding="2">
<br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1"
runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"

OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound" AllowSorting="True"
CellPadding="3" HeaderStyle-Font-Names="verdana"
Size="Small" RowStyle-Font-Names="verdana" RowStyle-Font-Size="Small">
DataField="Brand" HeaderText="Brand" SortExpression="Brand" />
DataField="Productcode" HeaderText="Prod Code"
SortExpression="Productcode" >
Width="55px" />
DataField="Colorname" HeaderText="Color Name"
SortExpression="Colorname" >
Width="210px" />
DataField="ThinnedBy" HeaderText="Thinner" SortExpression="ThinnedBy" /

DataField="Type" HeaderText="Type" SortExpression="Type" />
DataField="Container" HeaderText="Container"
SortExpression="Container" >
Width="65px" />
DataField="Finish" HeaderText="Finish" SortExpression="Finish" >
Width="50px" Wrap="False" />
DataField="RLMNumber" HeaderText="RLM Std" SortExpression="RLMNumber"

Width="60px" />
DataField="FSNumber" HeaderText="FS Std" SortExpression="FSNumber" >
Width="70px" />
DataField="RedValue" HeaderText="Red Value" SortExpression="RedValue"
Visible="False" />
DataField="ColorGroup" HeaderText="Color Group"
Visible="False" />
DataField="GreenValue" HeaderText="Green Value"
Visible="False" />
DataField="BlueValue" HeaderText="Blue Value"
Visible="False" />
DataField="RGBHex" HeaderText="RGB Hex" SortExpression="RGBHex"
Visible="False" />
ID="HyperLink1" runat="server">HyperLink</asp:HyperLink>
<HeaderStyle Font-
Names="verdana" Font-Size="Small" />
<RowStyle Font-
Names="verdana" Font-Size="Small" />
ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/
[Brand], [Productcode], [ThinnedBy], [Type], [Container], [Finish],
[Colorname], [RLMNumber], [FSNumber], [ColorGroup], [RedValue],
[GreenValue], [BlueValue], [RGBHex] FROM [AllPaints] ORDER BY [Brand],
&nbsp;<br />
<br />
<td valign="top" nowrap="noWrap">
<br />
<td nowrap="noWrap">
Basic Filters</td>
<td style="width: 3px">
<span style="color: #0000ff; text-
decoration: underline">Show All</span><br />
<td style="width: 3px"
Brands<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=delta ceramcoat">Delta Ceramcoat</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=humbrol">Humbrol</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=model master">Model Master</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=polly scale">Polly Scale</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
brand=tamiya">Tamiya</a><br />
Standards-Based<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
standard=rlm">RLM</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
standard=fs">FS</a><br />
<br />
Type<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
type=acrylic">Acrylic</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
type=enamel">Enamel<br />
<br />
<br />
Thinned By<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=acetone">Acetone<br />
</a>&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=alcohol">Alcohol<br />
</a>&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=ammonia">Ammonia</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=spirits">Spirits<br />
</a>&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=water">Water</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
thinnedby=xylene">Xylene</a><br />
<br />
Container<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="tool.aspx?
Container=bottle">Bottle</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
Container=spray">Spray</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
Container=tinlet">Tinlet</a><br />
<br />
Finish<br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=flat">Flat</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=gloss">Gloss</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=metallic">Metallic</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=metalcote">Metalcote</a><br />
&nbsp; <a href="tool.aspx?
finish=semi gloss">Semi Gloss<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="tool.aspx"></a>
<br />
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span
style="color: #0000ff"></span></span>
<br />
<a href="tool.aspx?finish=semi-gloss"></a>
<br />
<br />

Nobody's going to take a shot at this?
