ok here goes the sql but there must be something simple
im missing you said to use 2 different parameters
which i did and then change the select query im not sure
how to change the select query
SELECT StrConv([SFBNME],3) AS LENDER1, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].[SUB ISSUE], [Underwriting Lender
Rating File].ISSUE, [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].LEND_NO, [Underwriting Lender Rating File].[LOAN
TYPE], [Underwriting Lender Rating File].[REVIEW TYPE],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].REVIEWER, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].LASTNM, [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].FIRSTNM, [Underwriting Lender Rating File].[SS #],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[CB SCORE],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].DISPOSITION,
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[FRONT RATIO],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[BACK RATIO],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].PRELIM, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].CONTACT, [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].COMMENT, [Underwriting Lender Rating File].[LSAMS#],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].Ethnicity, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].Race
FROM [Underwriting Lender Rating File] INNER JOIN
LenderNamesTbl ON [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].LEND_NO = LenderNamesTbl.SPCODE
GROUP BY StrConv([SFBNME],3), [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].[SUB ISSUE], [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].ISSUE, [Underwriting Lender Rating File].LEND_NO,
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[LOAN TYPE],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[REVIEW TYPE],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].REVIEWER, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].LASTNM, [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].FIRSTNM, [Underwriting Lender Rating File].[SS #],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[CB SCORE],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].DISPOSITION,
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[FRONT RATIO],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].[BACK RATIO],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].PRELIM, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].CONTACT, [Underwriting Lender Rating
File].COMMENT, [Underwriting Lender Rating File].[LSAMS#],
[Underwriting Lender Rating File].Ethnicity, [Underwriting
Lender Rating File].Race, [Underwriting Lender Rating
HAVING ((([Underwriting Lender Rating File].REVIEWDT)=
-----Original Message-----
You need TWO parameters in the parameters section. Once you've done that you
can reference the two parameters in the WHERE clause of your query. If you
still can't get this working then ...
Can you copy and post the SQL of your query?
(Possibly unneeded instructions follow)
Open the query
Select View:Sql from the Menu
Select all the text
Copy it
Paste it into the message
Then I or someone can modify the query and repost it back. You can copy that
and post it into the SQL window.
i went into the select query and chose parameters i got to
work for one day for exampl i put in the query where
you put the criteria part [Date] and then chose
parameters under query at the top and the first part under
parameter i put [Date] and type i chose date/time it
popped up and it pulled all data for the day that i put in
pop up box but how do i put in a between to dates? ive
tried several ways and cant get it to work
-----Original Message-----
First thing, with a crosstab query you MUST declare
parameters and if any
other queries are used in the crosstab their parameters must also be declared.
Open the query in design mode
Select Query: Parameters from the Menu
Fill in the EXACT name of the parameter in column 1
Select the data type of the parameter in column 2
Dan wrote:
Can anyone tell me why this is happening. i have a
crosstab query and i have a DATE field in the query. if i
chage the total section to where and down at the
criteria section put in between 1/1/2004 and
gives me the data im looking for, but if i put in between
[from] and [to] it gives me an error message can i no
longer do a parameter prompt querty in a crosstab