Parameter values???



UPDATE DNdetail SET DNdetail.[Cartons Remaining] = [DNdetail].[Delivered
Cartons]-DSum("[Shipped Cartons]","Shipdetail"," [DNdetail].[Dilivery note
detail ID] = " & [Shipdetail].[Dilivery note Detail ID])
WHERE ((([DNdetail].[Dilivery note detail ID]) IN (SELECT
[DNdetail].[Dilivery note detail ID] FROM [DNdetail] INNER JOIN [Shipdetail]
ON [DNdetail].[Dilivery note detail ID] = [Shipdetail].[Dilivery note Detail

Why does this update query ask me for parameter values? it is suppose to
update 2 lines.

Wayne Morgan

My first guess would be you've misspelled a field name. Since Access can't
find the field, due to the misspelling, it assumes it to be a paramter. The
first place I would look for the misspelling is the word "Dilivery", it
would normally be spelled "Delivery".

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