parameter troubles



I have parameter values set to make things easier for the users...

The prompt pulls Last Name or Emp #. If the Emp# is not available, is
there a way to search by last name, including suffixes, but only
entering the last name? or even just the first letter of the last

John Spencer

If your parameter is something like

Field: LastName
Criteria: [Enter Name]

Then try changing it to

Field: LastName
Criteria: LIKE [Enter Name] & "*"

It is difficult to tell you more than that since you really need to post
more detail about what you are doing. A big help would be to open the query
in SQL view and copy and paste the SQL. That way we could see what you are
currently doing and perhaps offer a more detailed solution.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County


If your parameter is something like

Field: LastName
Criteria: [Enter Name]

Then try changing it to

Field: LastName
Criteria: LIKE [Enter Name] & "*"

It is difficult to tell you more than that since you really need to post
more detail about what you are doing. A big help would be to open the query
in SQL view and copy and paste the SQL. That way we could see what you are
currently doing and perhaps offer a more detailed solution.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

I have parameter values set to make things easier for the users...
The prompt pulls Last Name or Emp #. If the Emp# is not available, is
there a way to search by last name, including suffixes, but only
entering the last name? or even just the first letter of the last
name?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

ok this worked, thank you very much!

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