Thanks, I actually know how to do that, I just thought maybe the is another
way of referring to that parameter without opening forms and so on, anyway
thatnks again
ScottE said:
The easiest way that I know of is to control the parameter entry yourself. Either:
1. use VB and get the parameter value from a inputbox, then open the
results form by either constructing the SQL string with the parameter value,
OR passing the parameter as a where clause on a docmd.openform. (To do
this, modify the query to remove the parameter and let it return all
2. Open an input form in dialog mode with a textbox, an OK button and a
cancel button. Change your query parameter to refer to the textbox, like
forms!inputform!entrytextbox. When the user presses ok on the form, set the
input form's visible property to no. This will return code execution to the
calling form. Then, open the "results" form, which can grab the value from
the input form or have it passed to it as an openarg. Finally, close the
input form. This sequence is far simpler than it sounds.