Parameter Query

  • Thread starter Thread starter depawl
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to create a parameter query that will show any of 4 dates
from a table that are within the criteria listed in the query, that is
"Between [StartDate] And [EndDate]". But when I put that criteria in all
of the 4 fields in the query, it returns no records. I guess that would
return records only if all 4 fields happened to have a date within the
criteria. I want to create a report that would return records if any of
the fields have a date within the criteria, and the remaining fields
would just be blank. There must be an easy way to do this, no?
Thank you.
If you put all the criteria in the same row, these criteria are joined by
AND which means *each* Field in the Record *must* satisfy the criteria for
the Field, i.e. your guess is correct.

If you want to join the criteria by OR, then you should put the criteria for
each Field in a *separate* criteria row in the Query grid.
That was the first thing I tried but it doesn't work either. Using the
"or" option returns the record from the table where the first field
in the query matches the criteria. In other words, if employee A
had report date 1 matching the criteria, the query returns all of the
other report dates (2,3, and 4) for that employee even though they may
not match the criteria. What I want the query to do is to list report
dates for all employees that match the criteria.