Parameter Query to select records

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date



I created a query that selects employees that work
overtime on a certain date by using the dialog box in the
date field.That works fine but it also selects all
employees that did not work overtime.What kind of
parameter can i use in the overtime field which would only
show the employees that did overtime?
Thanks for the support.

Without some idea of either the structure of your data or your query's SQL
statement, it's going to be tough to diagnose...
Thanks Jeff,

Simple DB to track employee hours.A date field, and hours
worked and hours not worked field.An overtime field for
how many hours of overtime on that date and a another
field for approved(yes or no.)I run a report that gives a
total of each field with the exception of the yes/no and
date field.I just tried placing a (*) criteria in the
overtime field and it looks like it worked since it shows
only those who worked overtime.Now if i could only select
the the hours in this field from the highest to the
lowest, that would be great....any advise if i am on the
right track?

If I wanted to see all rows containing something in a specific field, I
would use the following in the criterion "cell":

Is Not Null

Without your SQL statement to look at, I don't have any idea how you've
"used the '*' criterion".

I suggest posting your SQL statement to help readers better understand what
it is doing now.