parameter query question



Hi All, (btw, I posted a similar message earlier, but I hope rephrasing
it will help)

I have a form that has a drop down list with a list of all my
'application names' (eg. 'MS Word', 'SAP R/3' , etc.). This form is
useless at the moment - but hopefully you guys can help me...


I also have a parameter query that uses an 'application name' to filter
the results on the application - it prompts the user for the
application name and filters on that application.

What i would like to do is allow the user, instead of typing in the
'application name' manually when running the parameter query- he/she
can instead run the form, select a name from my drop down list, and the
form will pass the value in the drop down box to the parameter query
and supress the input box of the parameter. Is this possible? I've seen
so many related questions on these groups but no direct answer....

Thank you so much!




In the Criteria row of the query put something like this instead of
prompting a user for some input your will insert it from your combo/list


It may be a good idea to run something else AfterUpdate of the combo to make
the appication a little better (and easier for the user). You could a RunApp
code or something like this

Hope this helps

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