No. AFAIK, it won't work this way as you assign a *previously created*
Recordset as the RecordSource for the Subform which prevents the filtering
by the LinkParentFields / LinkChildFields. Note that one of the Microsoft
engineers previously advised that the most efficient way to populate a
Subform is to use Table or a saved Query or an SQL String as the
RecordSource for the Subform.
I am not sure why you have to use a Recordset which is not as efficient.
Also, you have to do your own filtering rather than letting the Link Fields
to do the work for you.
Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)
dwg said:
This post is lengthy, but I want to try to explain everything I have tried to get the program to work.
The form in question is based on the SalesmanTbl table with the primary
key SalesmanID. I created a subform based on the SalesTbl table with a key
of AutoID and SalesDt. SalesmanID is an index on the Sales table. I linked
the tables on SalesmanID. I then wrote an event for the subform's Load
The code is below:
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
'With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = cn
.Source = "SELECT SMan.SalesmanID, Sales.SalesDt,
Sales.AutoID, Sales.DocFeesAmt " & _
"FROM SalesmanTbl AS SMan LEFT JOIN " & _
"[SELECT SalesmanID,SalesDt, AutoID,
(TitleFeeAmt+ArbitrationFeeAmt) AS DocFeesAmt " & _
"FROM SalesTbl " & _
"WHERE SalesDt BETWEEN " & _
" #" & DateAdd("y", -6,
CDate(Forms!PayrollWeekEndingDtFrm.WeekEndingDt.Value) - 6) & "# " & _
CDate(Forms!PayrollWeekEndingDtFrm.WeekEndingDt.Value) & "# " & _
"ORDER BY SalesmanID,SalesDt,AutoID]. AS Sales " & _
"ON SMan.SalesmanID = Sales.SalesmanID " & _
"ORDER BY Sales.SalesmanID, Sales.SalesDt, Sales.AutoID;"
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
End With
Set Me.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
The problem with this code is that for each Salesman the entire recordset
would display i.e. the Link field wasn't working.
I tried a number of alternatives (none of which worked) and decided to use
another approach: the Database Query object and build a parameter query for
the beginning and ending date. When I hard code the dates the form/sub form
relation works great; however, I don't know the syntax for passing the
parameters via a form rather than the standard query prompt for the dates.
The query object is shown below:
SELECT SMan.SalesmanID, Sales.SalesDt, Sales.AutoID,
(Sales.TitleFeeAmt+Sales.ArbitrationFeeAmt) AS DocFeesAmt
FROM SalesTbl AS Sales RIGHT JOIN SalesmanTbl AS SMan ON Sales.SalesmanID = SMan.SalesmanID
WHERE (((Sales.SalesDt) Between WeekStartDt And WeekEndingDt))
ORDER BY SMan.SalesmanID, Sales.SalesDt, Sales.AutoID;
I have a form with a command button that passes the dates to the
form/subform correctly, but I can not get the query to recognize these
parameters. I know the data is being passed because I use it to calculate
another field on the form.
I tried various variations of your original suggestion for modifying the query. My attempts were:
where DateFrm is the form passing the date. I am only showing EndingDt to save typing time.
Some of these attempts gave errors when I ran the query or sometimes I got
the Send Error Report to Microsoft message.