I have a two-part problem and would be greatly
appreciative for any advice on how to solve them.
First - I have a parameter query based on a custom dialog
box which has all of the possible fields of the table
being searched. I was hoping to be able to have a user
place a search expression in any of these and have the
query run off that, but it is running off of all of the
fields - including the ones left blank. Is there a way
that I can have the query run based only on the criteria
entered, ignoring the blank fields?
Second - The criteria entered searches fine, however
adding wildcards in the dialog box does not apply the
wildcard. Is there some way that I have to activate the
fields for wildcard use?
appreciative for any advice on how to solve them.
First - I have a parameter query based on a custom dialog
box which has all of the possible fields of the table
being searched. I was hoping to be able to have a user
place a search expression in any of these and have the
query run off that, but it is running off of all of the
fields - including the ones left blank. Is there a way
that I can have the query run based only on the criteria
entered, ignoring the blank fields?
Second - The criteria entered searches fine, however
adding wildcards in the dialog box does not apply the
wildcard. Is there some way that I have to activate the
fields for wildcard use?