Shawn Ferguson
I had a question about the Parameter object, is it really necessary or could you develop your query to include the parameters like this?
sql = "EXEC dbo.UpdateDepartmentalPages " &_
"@URL= '" & URL & "', " &_
"@Department= '" & Department & "', " &_
"@Remove= '" & Remove & "', " &_
"@DepartmentalPagesID= '" & DepartmentalPagesID & "'"
Then run it through the command object? Please let me know if it is possible. I'm still learning about .NET and it's one of those things that I've been curious about.
sql = "EXEC dbo.UpdateDepartmentalPages " &_
"@URL= '" & URL & "', " &_
"@Department= '" & Department & "', " &_
"@Remove= '" & Remove & "', " &_
"@DepartmentalPagesID= '" & DepartmentalPagesID & "'"
Then run it through the command object? Please let me know if it is possible. I'm still learning about .NET and it's one of those things that I've been curious about.