Parameter description

  • Thread starter Thread starter Quinn
  • Start date Start date


If I have a procedure like

Sub SUB1 (i as integer, s as string)
end sub

how do I write some descriptions for i and s? that way when I call Sub1
there will be a pop toothtip to describe what i and s is.

Thank you.

In VS.NET 2005, after you declare:
Sub SUB1 (i as integer, s as string)
end sub

type ''' a line before the signiture

and you will get the following:

''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="i"></param>
''' <param name="s"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Sub SUB1 (i as integer, s as string)
end sub

You can type the description for i and s between the >< (ie <param
name="i">i is an integer, does so and so</param>

If you are using VS 2003 I believe you need to download VB commenter.


Ahmed said:

In VS.NET 2005, after you declare:
Sub SUB1 (i as integer, s as string)
end sub

type ''' a line before the signiture

and you will get the following:

''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="i"></param>
''' <param name="s"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Sub SUB1 (i as integer, s as string)
end sub

You can type the description for i and s between the >< (ie <param
name="i">i is an integer, does so and so</param>

If you are using VS 2003 I believe you need to download VB commenter.

So this is how you provide Intellisense with info about your function,
eh? Just what is this technique referred to so I can look it up in the
Yes, this is how you IIntellisense with info about your function. These
info will show up in the Object Browser as well. This is a method I
just created for illustration and this is how it shows in the Object

Public Sub testing(ByVal x As String, ByVal y As String)
Member of: WindowsApplication6.Form1
This method does this and that...etc.

x: x is a string. blah blah blah
y: X is a String. Blah blah blah

There is a limitation. This method throws and exception...etc

Regarding the help file, there was a program called ndoc to create
compiled html document. But I don't know if there is a way to integrate
these information with the VS help file.
Quinn said:
Sub SUB1 (i as integer, s as string)
end sub

how do I write some descriptions for i and s? that way when I call Sub1
there will be a pop toothtip to describe what i and s is.

..NET 2.0: Simply enter three consecutive single quotes in front of the
method declaration.

..NET 1.*:

Adding IntelliSense tooltips, XML comments, and documentation