Parameter Description in Code Completion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anthony Bouch
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Anthony Bouch

I have a couple of helper class libraries that I use in several projects.

Does anyone know how to create the parameter description that appears below
the parameter autocomplete popup when a method in the helper class is being
used in Visual Studio?

Is there a meta tag for this?

At the moment the parameter list appears the yellow popup window but no
parameter description is displayed below.

Any tips greatly apprecated.

Anthony Bouch said:
I have a couple of helper class libraries that I use in several projects.

Does anyone know how to create the parameter description that appears below
the parameter autocomplete popup when a method in the helper class is being
used in Visual Studio?

Use the <parameter> XML documentation tag. See XML Documentation in the
MSDN index for more information.
/// <summary>
/// Helper method description etc...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="form">Form parameter.</param>
/// <param name="offset">POffset Parameter </param>
public static void PositionForm(System.Windows.Forms.Form form, float

Hi Jon - I've tried the above but the parameter comments still don't appear
as hints in the auto complete popup for the method. Any suggestions


Anthony Bouch said:
/// <summary>
/// Helper method description etc...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="form">Form parameter.</param>
/// <param name="offset">POffset Parameter </param>
public static void PositionForm(System.Windows.Forms.Form form, float

Hi Jon - I've tried the above but the parameter comments still don't appear
as hints in the auto complete popup for the method. Any suggestions

Do you get *any* hints (i.e. about class usage etc) beyond what can be
inferred without the XML? Are these libraries part of the same solution
or not? Are you building the XML documentation (with the same name as
the assembly, but with .xml instead of .dll)?
Yes - I get the hints for the method which shows the data types and variable
names required for the parameters. But no parameter description.

This class is combiled as a DLL - and it is then referenced (and copied
local) by the calling Windows forms project.

I'm not actually building any XML documentation at all - do I need to?
Anthony Bouch said:
Yes - I get the hints for the method which shows the data types and variable
names required for the parameters. But no parameter description.

This class is combiled as a DLL - and it is then referenced (and copied
local) by the calling Windows forms project.

I'm not actually building any XML documentation at all - do I need to?

Yes - otherwise it's got nothing to get the information from.