Speed vs. money. All the new printers are using either USB
or Ethernet, your printer is obsolete.
| What I really want to know is whether I should but a 16
bit card costing
| about £10.00 or a 32 bit card costing £30.00. What is the
| --
| Russell
| "Yves Leclerc" wrote:
| > Get a name brand USB to Parallel adapter cable.
Parallel ports are being
| > dumped from motherboards as well as PS/2 and serial
ports. I would not be
| > surprised if Microsoft completely removes
parallel/serial ports from Vista.
| >
| >
| > On 16/10/2006 Russell
| > >I want to install a parallel printer card in a new Dell
computer I have just
| > >bought which does not have a parallel printer port. The
cards come in 16 and
| > >32 bit versions. How do I know which I should buy?
| > >
| > >
| > >
| >
| > --
| > ---
| >
| > Y.
| >
| >