Three combos. I want the selection in either of the first two (one or both)
to limit the list in not only the third, but also in each other.
what I have:
DivID AutoNumber
Division text
CatID AutoNumber
Category text
IssueID AutoNumber
Div_ID foreign key
Cat_ID foreign key
tblDivisions and tblCategories are indirectly related through the join
table, tblIssues. And tblIssues has the 'many' side of both relationships
with the other two tables.
The behavior I'm trying for is this:
User sees three combos on MainForm: cboDivison, cboCategory, cboIssue which
he can use in any order or combination to filter the subform datasheet of
AllIssues. Even with the 'forked' or parallel relationship of the tables, I
have this part working just fine. Amazing.
The problem is that I want the combos to communicate with each other to
limit their very long lists depending on the values of the other two show, or
not show (null).
So if two are blank, the other one displays a full list (show all). But if
one has a selection, the other two limit their lists to matching records
(ignoring the blank combo). And if two combos show a value, the third is
limited even more, accordingly.
Is this possible, given the relationships?
to limit the list in not only the third, but also in each other.
what I have:
DivID AutoNumber
Division text
CatID AutoNumber
Category text
IssueID AutoNumber
Div_ID foreign key
Cat_ID foreign key
tblDivisions and tblCategories are indirectly related through the join
table, tblIssues. And tblIssues has the 'many' side of both relationships
with the other two tables.
The behavior I'm trying for is this:
User sees three combos on MainForm: cboDivison, cboCategory, cboIssue which
he can use in any order or combination to filter the subform datasheet of
AllIssues. Even with the 'forked' or parallel relationship of the tables, I
have this part working just fine. Amazing.
The problem is that I want the combos to communicate with each other to
limit their very long lists depending on the values of the other two show, or
not show (null).
So if two are blank, the other one displays a full list (show all). But if
one has a selection, the other two limit their lists to matching records
(ignoring the blank combo). And if two combos show a value, the third is
limited even more, accordingly.
Is this possible, given the relationships?