paperclip shows on message, no attachment though



I have an email which shows a paperclip next to it, but there is no
attachment to save. I tried mime decoding, it said there were no mime
lines. What causes this? An html link was sent with this email, and
that is missing. The message is just some plain text.

Thank you!


George King

Is there a fancy signature? Some times these include a
graphic that Outlook handles as an attachement, thus the
paper clip.


Is there a fancy signature? Some times these include a
graphic that Outlook handles as an attachement, thus the
paper clip.
I opened the message, and got "Outlook blocked access to the following
potentially unsafe url."

(This error doesn't show up in preview."

Looks like an error, as I think the url is safe. I'll check MS for the
fixes for this error. Other comments welcome.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Is this Outlook or Outlook Express (for future reference, this group
supports Outlook, not Express?)

If Express, Tools->options->security tab.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching and finding not answer:
John <[email protected]> asked:
| In article <[email protected]>, (e-mail address removed)
| says...
|| Is there a fancy signature? Some times these include a
|| graphic that Outlook handles as an attachement, thus the
|| paper clip.
||| -----Original Message-----
||| I have an email which shows a paperclip next to it, but
|| there is no
||| attachment to save. I tried mime decoding, it said
|| there were no mime
||| lines. What causes this? An html link was sent with
|| this email, and
||| that is missing. The message is just some plain text.
||| Thank you!
||| John
||| .
| I opened the message, and got "Outlook blocked access to the following
| potentially unsafe url."
| (This error doesn't show up in preview."
| Looks like an error, as I think the url is safe. I'll check MS for
| the fixes for this error. Other comments welcome.
| John


Is this Outlook or Outlook Express (for future reference, this group
supports Outlook, not Express?)

If Express, Tools->options->security tab.
Outlook 2000 SP3

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